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Riding the Snowline
Cocaine & Alcohol
Citation:   Happy and sober. "Riding the Snowline: An Experience with Cocaine & Alcohol (exp45367)". Nov 6, 2007.

  insufflated Cocaine
    oral Alcohol
The first time that I was exposed to coke was in 1999 in a trip to Canada. My boyfriend at that time was heavily into coke and I insisted on trying it to see what the hell it was all about (and where all my $$ were going.)

My first tiny line was in a bathroom in Toronto and it felt like nothing that I'd ever experienced - a real 'buzz'. After that my usage increased slowly as availability was a real issue and my 'partner' had some real paranoia issues and after experiences with 'people' finding their way into our fifth floor apartment through locked doors, I moved on! (Even Star Trek transporters would be hard pushed to get as many people into the space as my ex imagined were there.)

Later on I managed to avail myself of a direct source and began experimenting with considerably increased doses and eventually lost a few very enjoyable weekends with myself and a ball.

Coke has always been a solitary yet sexual experience and one that I have thoroughly enjoyed. My sexual drive went through the roof with that first (increasingly large) line and I could jerk off to porn, written or visual for many, many hours - drinking large amounts of vodka or red wine and snorting larger volumes of coke and having a wonderful time. An amazing high, an amazing waste of a weekend but all in all, the weekends were something that I would repeat - I enjoyed the experience, had a great time that didn't hurt anyone else directly and had the physical luck to be able to fucntion normally afterwards.

I don't agree with doing this if it affects anyone else, although I would love to have one experience with a willing partner - the sexual feeling might be one hell of a ride.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 45367
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 6, 2007Views: 6,656
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Cocaine (13) : Sex Discussion (14), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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