Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Plateau Sigma
DXM & Fluoxetine (Prozac)
Citation:   Babydoll. "Plateau Sigma: An Experience with DXM & Fluoxetine (Prozac) (exp45470)". Dec 29, 2007.

T+ 0:00
60 mg oral Pharms - Fluoxetine (daily)
  T+ 0:00 300 mg oral DXM  
  T+ 15:00 190 mg oral DXM  
  T+ 20:30 1080 mg oral DXM  
10:30pm- 300 mg

1:30 am- 190 mg
7:00pm- 1080 mg (courtesy of 2 zinites)

So here it goes- I'll try to explain it. I can't really remember things in a linear fashion, but I'll try. I think it was over 3 days or so. I'm not going to go in depth on the first 2 days, but I will go more in detail on the final plateau sigma. I'm on Prozac and I've read all the cautions about not using dex while on Prozac, but of course I thought it wouldn't happen to me. Basically, prozac makes the effects of dex last a really long time, so it feels like you are never going to be completely sober.

The first two doses were like normal trips, but the 2 zinites were when it went wrong. I dosed and within 45 minutes I felt the comeup. It felt like I was riding a spaceship and literally blasting into space. My body felt like it was going fast and like I could see the world just going by. I was watching visualizations on the computer and suddenly a man formed in the screen and motioned for me to come over. I agreed and he took my by the collar then disappeared. I was confused, but kept watching. The visualizations began coming out of the screen and dancing all over my room. My room was no longer on Earth, but was a totally different universe. There were boys in my room and I wanted to impress them so I was kind of flirting with them. I was having conversations with absolutely nothing. This was only the beginning.

I was still coming up. I felt like I was going into blackout territory, except there was one part of the room labeled trip and one part labeled blackout and it was completely black. I was trying to keep myself away from the darkness, but it felt like gravity was against me and was trying to pull me into the darkness. I was trying to claw my way up to the trip and the whole time it felt like a constant battle of trying to stay alive.

I was listening to the music and suddenly it all started slowing down. I knew the song and the tempo and it was about half of its normal speed. I looked at my watch and the second hand seemed to take forever to go around. I felt paralyzed and couldn't even wiggly my toes. My eyes were ridiculously heavy and then I just couldn't keep them open anymore. The rest of my trip was a combination of open and closed eye visuals, but while my eyes were closed it felt like I was seeing through my eyelids.

I was in the movie Half Baked and smoking pot in Amsterdam with a friend. Having a great time, walking around and meeting people. The whole time I was completely aware that I was still laying on my bed but I wasn't quite sure if I was or not. I found it interesting that I was having such an adventure and not even moving. I felt like I was going through a whole new world and meeting people and just going through my life while my body stayed backwards. It felt like I was time traveling. I was in college and going through my classes, meeting people, partying, just having a great time.

I was on the highway driving, swerving for the garden state parkway, out of control. The police were chasing me. I was at 7-11 getting coffee and couldn't get out of my car. I lost control of my car and fell. I kept falling and tumbling through space. I had no idea if I was alive or not. I was desperately trying to hold onto my life and all I knew was that I didn't want to die. I found myself in complete darkness with a fire around me.

Where am I?

In the DXM retailer outlet. You were chosen to be a supplier. Oh okay, tell me how it's done. There are 3 parts of the trip and the psychonauts stop at each one of the stations during the trip to get more dex. You are going to be stationed at the third stop. We need you to give them these pills.

He handed me a box of pills and sent me on my way. I set up camp next to a bridge and saw some people coming over screaming. They looked like an angry mob and I was scared of them. They ran over to me and demanded the dxm. I threw it at them and hid behind a tree. The DXM god grabbed me by neck and began yelling at me, threatening me for wasting money. I was crying and begging him not to kill me. He was holding me over a black pit and I could feel I'm letting go of me. I was falling.

I landed and finally was aware of myself, I was in my room and in my bed but I didn't feel connected to the world. My dad came in and it felt like he was really far away. I couldn't really talk but somehow managed to say that I was sick and so he let me stay in bed. This part is what I believe to be plateau sigma, the threshold between the third and fourth plateau- the fourth plateau being a completely different world with open eyed visuals, but plateau sigma being the result of the comedown after repeated doses when my mind is just going crazy.

The world was a horrifying place, I looked in the mirror and saw myself as a monster. My head felt really heavy and when I tried to walk I was hunched over and my hands were clenched. It took a lot of energy to even move and I got tired just trying to stand up. Time was moving incredibly fast and I felt delirious. I was sweating up a storm and didn't know if I was alive or not. Every few hours my dad would come into my room to see how I was, and it took a lot of effort to respond to him. I felt like we were on two completely different worlds. I was on dex world and he was on normal world. I didn't think that I would ever come back, I thought I was going to be stuck in dex world forever.

My body felt like it weighed 1,000 pounds, just moving took everything I had. I tried to listening to music, but even at the lowest volume it was offensively loud. It felt like it was attacking my head, so I had to turn it off. I could hear voices from downstairs but I couldn't make out what they were saying. The air conditioner felt ridiculously loud and there was just chaos in my room. I felt completely out of control and was really really scared, I just felt like I wanted to go home.

I thought that maybe I should ask my dad to bring me to the hospital because I had no idea what to do, but I decided to ride it out- trying to calm myself with the notion that I would come down eventually. I felt like I was literally riding a huge spaceship and it was just zooming through my life. I felt like I was time traveling and couldn't tell if I was asleep or if I was awake. I just wanted it to be over already- I thought that I was seriously going to die. After many hours of clutching my life, my dad went to work for the night and I was able to hold onto the wall for dear life to go downstairs. Walking was nearly impossible, I felt like I was a monster with tenticles and I couldn't walk upwards. I managed to get my sleeping medicine, because all I wanted to do was fall asleep so that it would be over.

Making it back upstairs was horrible, I was just so tired, I didn't know if I was going to be able to walk all the way back. I was terrified and it felt like everything was going to attack me. When I finally made it back, I just collapsed.

I tried to go online, but it took so much effort to type anything, the words were coming out of the screen and my hands felt ridiculously heavy. My jaw was clenched and I couldn't stop moving my feet. These physical effects are what I know believe to be seretonin syndrome. It felt like I was wearing lead glasses, my sinsues wanted to implode. My teeth hurt so badly and I couldn't stop moving my eyes in rapid eye movements.

I finally fell asleep - but it wasn't over. When I woke up it was about 4am and everything was still moving, I knew that I was still tripping. Time seemed to last forever. I tried to get up to go to the bathroom and it took all my energy. I gripped the sink and looked into the mirror. What I saw was the most horrifying thing I have ever seen. I didn't recognize myself - that wasn't me. It was someone else, just a monster. Everything was coming off the floor and trying to attack me, I just wanted to go home.

I made it back to bed and tried to calm down. I looked up at the fan and saw black dots coming out of it, it looked like it was going to come off the ceiling. Then all of a sudden I fell, hard. It felt like I was literally breaking into another world, I felt myself go through the floor into vague sobrierty. I felt so much better and was thankful that I was finally alive. I wanted to cry and felt like I was just reborn. All I could do was pet my dog and repeat 'I made it. I'm here'. I thought for sure that I had a near death experience. It might have been, with the seretonin syndrome. I felt like I knew exactly what I had to do with my life and knew that I had to take a break from drugs. I saw myself going through my life being a totally different person. I knew that I wanted to live. I'm currently trying to recover from an eating disorder and I knew at that instant that I had to recover, that that wasn't life. I knew that I wanted to be healthy and that I was going to start over. I was just so thankful to be alive.

I was finally able to go back to sleep and I woke up about an hour or so ago - I'm still tripping, perhaps at a high first plat, but it just feels so good to be back. I'm so thankful to be alive, I feel reborn. I definately would not do it again, but I am so thankful for my experience. I feel like I learned so much about myself - it's just amazing. It was such a wild ride. Everything feels new to me - all I want to do is tell all my friends how much they mean to me and I want to start over. I want to start my life over. College is starting soon and I am so excited, I know what I want to do with my life and I think that I can actually do it.

Music sounds so good to be - like I've never heard it before. I'm just so happy to be here and alive, I felt like I wasn't going to make it, and now that I did I feel like it happened for a reason. I can't wait to start over with everything and do what I want to do. Wow, I would not wish this experience on my worst enemy, but if I had to go back and do it again, I would.

Before this, I didn't know if I believed in plateau sigma - but now I know it's there. You'll know it when you get there. It's different for everyone, but it's there. I don't wish to repeat the experience, but I am glad I had it. It feels like I spent weeks in dex world, but it's only been 3 days. That was one fucking wild ride. Wow.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45470
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 29, 2007Views: 53,610
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