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Hit or Miss and Alot of Prep
Citation:   slongo. "Hit or Miss and Alot of Prep: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp45559)". Mar 25, 2018.

20 capsls oral Nutmeg (capsule)
This is a fallback drug for me. Although very pleasureable it takes some prep time and is unpleasant to ingest under the best circumstances. I use empty gelaten capsules purchased at a healthfood store, grind up whole nutmeg and throw in a little powdered mace from the spice rack. Filled about 20 capsules and blasted them down with a large plastic coke. Forcing them down would be more like it. After many experiments merely the smell of the stuff gives me a headache. After several hours (3?) I began to feel it and it is certainly enjoyable-giggly and fun. Aside from some nausea, a slight headache (both of which wane after awhile) I was on a multi-hour high. The giggle factor and euphoria rivals pot. Another drawback is I have to abstain for awhile to indulge again or it doesn't do a damn thing. In other words, not something I can enjoy every day- though perhaps a couple times a month. The upside is the high lasts all day and sometimes into the next. I can't stand the smell of nutmeg in food or beverage now. A funny side effect is that the mere odor kicks in a need for a bowel movement. Don't know what that's about.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 45559
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 25, 2018Views: 1,157
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