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Passing Experience
Drug Testing & Cocaine
Citation:   Nokia. "Passing Experience: An Experience with Drug Testing & Cocaine (exp45629)". Jun 25, 2007.

500 mg insufflated Cocaine (daily)
I found myself in front of the DHR, explaining me that one of my 'workmates' had accused me of using cocaine the previous night. Being a Poker player, I volunteered to pass a test, but it was 'not necessary'. I got fired anyway, just like in the movies, with the security guard behind me to collect my stuff. Nevertheless, I had to justify the 'incident' to more people than just the DHR, so the test was 'socially' inevitable.

Last use: Sunday night. (snorted about 0.5-0.7g), with drinks.
Before: Consistently during the previous 2 weeks 1/2, about 0.5/day.

I read everything I could find about testing and how to 'clean up'. I ate double meals 2 days on a row, ran as much as possible to increase the metabolism (I read that could increase it by 1000%!). I went to the sauna to burn toxins and tested myself on 'watering' to see if that could eventually help but I desisted on that path thinking about the 'counter-test' to check a sample for dilution.

Test day: Wednesday (about 63hrs after last use.) My 'sample' was collected at a regular doctor's office, not in a lab, where it was way easier to 'cut' or cheat on the test. On the morning, I did drink a bit more liquid than usual, but just enough to go a couple of times an clean up the 'sample' a little bit.. Then in place (following something I read), I filled it normally, then before I finish, while washing my hands, in a quick move I filled about 1/4 of the cup with temperate water.. (yes! it was just a regular bathroom! they let the door open, waiting outside without looking inside). The test was looking for the 7 standard drugs traces (including the coke metabolite.)

Four days later: Negative, Sample normal (not diluted)

Considering the 'consistent' period of use and the borderline detection time, I wasn't sure it was going to work, but it did.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45629
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2007Views: 20,671
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Cocaine (13), Drug Testing (59) : General (1), Alone (16)

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