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A Little More Interesting than the Usual High
Citation:   Veronica. "A Little More Interesting than the Usual High: An Experience with Cocaine (exp4567)". Mar 4, 2001.

6 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
It was a snowy saturday night, my friend was visiting me. When she called she said she had brought a surprise...she called it candy. when i picked her up at the train station she told it it was cocaine. i got a nervous feeling in my stomach. media and school drug classes bashes cocaine and tells you its sucha horrible addictive drug. this all made me nervous. i had never done any hard core drugs only smoked weed.

so the two of us, 15 years old, decided to go to a party. we go and everyone was consuming alcohol. she asked me if i wanted to go to the bathroom and we brought our bag with us. we crushed the coke on the toilet seat with a credit card. we had about 100 dollars worth and it looked like nothing. i took a 20$ bill and rolled it up while she seperated lines with a razor. she took three lines, then i did. then another 3. before we left the bathroom we checked eachothers noses.

we got back out the party and after a few minutes become uninhibited, we could talk to anyone we felt like it. after awhile my front teeth become numb and this created a weird expierence. i had a ciggarrette which seemed to make me feel it more. our eyes were not bloodshot and no one knew we were on anything. time flew while we were on it but after an hour or so we came down. i wanted more but i knew it was not mine and i felt guilty about using it. well it was pretty good, a little more interesting then the usual weed high or drunkness. i hope its not a regular thing

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4567
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 4, 2001Views: 24,132
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Cocaine (13) : Large Group (10+) (19), First Times (2)

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