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Every Thing Is Soft, Hard, and Soundless
Citation:   the man. "Every Thing Is Soft, Hard, and Soundless: An Experience with LSD (exp45733)". Jul 15, 2018.

3 hits   LSD
The clouds where made of lsd

Every thing is breathing, can you hear it
Every thing is moving
Every thing is soft, hard, and soundless
I wish everyone could feel that I do
Floating away...

' we were waiting for it to kick in, and by the end of the night we were like,' oh thats just a space ship. Thats all.'

We took our drugs around 10, as soon as they kicked in we became wrapped into the movie we were watching, it was snowing in my room, the cold air of the atmosphere, steamed on our skin, like pouring cold water on a hot frying pan.. The room was breathing, walls were bending, we could tell there was a war or something like it going on outside from all the flashing lights and shaking of the room.. I had to pee all the sudden, so I got up to go to the bathroom, the journey 4 feet seemed like a walk across the desert, once inside the bathroom, I could see that my reflection was not me, I thought, who am I, is this what I look like, and why is my face dripping, I'm not sure if I ever even got a chance pee because I became intranced by the character that supposely was my reflection.. I remember thinking to myself, this is my reality, and if yours is anywhere close to mine, then your fucked...

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45733
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 15, 2018Views: 916
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LSD (2) : Poetry (43), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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