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An Amazing Journey
Morning Glory, Temazepam, Cannabis & Tobacco
Citation:   Nightripper5. "An Amazing Journey: An Experience with Morning Glory, Temazepam, Cannabis & Tobacco (exp45748)". Sep 16, 2007.

T+ 0:00
230 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  T+ 2:30 30 mg oral Benzodiazepines (pill / tablet)
  T+ 4:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 4:30 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 5:00 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes (plant material)
I had read online that Morning Glory Seeds contained the chemical LSA, similar to LSD, and could make you trip. I was interested in trying this substance, but I didn't know where to get the seeds. One day, however, while looking for a rose bush, I came across some seeds and recognized the name 'Heavenly Blue' so I chose to get those. I got 3 2g. packages, which I later found to each contain around 70-75 seeds.

A little background on me: I am a heavy user of marijuana and have been for about a year. I smoke about 1/8 oz. per week. I have also experimented with ecstasy, cocaine, amphetamines, mushrooms, various pills (opiates, benzos, ritallin, adderall), DXM, Nutmeg, Nitrous Oxide, alcohol, and perhaps some others that I am forgetting.


8:15 pm - I prepare the seeds by putting detergent into a container, adding water and the seeds, covering, and shaking profusely for around a minute. I then emptied the liquid/seed combination into a fine strainer and washed the seeds. After about a minute of washing, the Morning Glories were dried using a rag and then ingested by chewing the seeds to a paste to release all the chemicals. I chased the seeds, which weren't all that bad tasting, with some water and prepared for the journey ahead.

+:30 - I feel very nauseous. I also feel some chills so I decide to take a hot bath.

+1:00 - The bath helped a little, but the nausea still persists and a bit of added cramps and gas make things worse. I decide to watch T.V. While watching, I feel very spacey and have minor open-eye visuals, such as enhanced colors, especially red, and peripheral hallucinations.

+1:30 - I am tripping balls at this point. I still feel very sick, and the added closed-eye visuals that I am having are not helping. I can't find a comfortable position. The walls are breathing and colors are flying everywhere. My chest also hurts. I think I may be having a heart-attack. I tell myself everything is fine and curl up into a ball on the couch, hoping the rest of the trip gets better.

+2:30 - I'm feeling a little better. I decided to make some food so try and calm the nausea. I hadn't eaten all day, after all. While making dinner, I get very happy and hyper. After making the food, I head up to my room and talk online with some friends. I feel very social and uninhibited. I am not having as many visuals, but the emotional aspects of the drug are beginning to emerge. My senses seem heightened and I'm starting to get paranoid and tense. I take 2 15mg. pills of Temazepam to calm down.

+3:30 - I'm still tripping hard. I feel very happy and light. I decided to watch the Minority Report and get very freaked out by the idea of the movie. I feel my soul enter the character and I can feel their emotions. I get frightened with the characters and then tense and sad. This experience is very fun and I get into the movie greatly. The stomach pain is almost non-existent. I feel slightly calmer because the Temazepam is kicking in.

+4:00 - Minority Report is over so I take a shower. I get very confused and can't remember what to do. I end up doing everything in the wrong order and can barely function. Still very happy and hyper, although the chills are back. I decided to smoke a bowl of fine cannabis to add to the experience.

+4:30 - The weed was a wonderful idea. I am still tripping hard and the weed adds greatly to the visuals as well as the body and mental high. I watch the Simpsons and can't stop laughing. I decided the weed was such a good idea that I smoke another bowl. The marijuana really brings out the emotional side of the Morning Glory trip. I feel like I'm coming up on shrooms and on ecstasy at the same time. It's very enjoyable.

+5:00 - I step outside for a cigarette. I find this also potentiate the trip. I'm still very happy and social. I feel a connection with all my surroundings, but at the same time I feel trapped by all the corporate crap all around me. I realize people today rely too much on material items and take for granted the beautiful nature around them. Waves of warm euphoria sweep over me. ALl is good.

+7:00 - It is 3:30 am. and I am still tripping. Despite this, I am tired and have to wake up early the next day so I decide to go to bed. I listen to some jazz to put me to sleep. The music sounds amazing. I can feel it pulsing in my soul. I am very calm and drowsy and within an hour I am sound asleep.

+12:00 - I wake up the next morning around 8:30 and still feel a little spacey and out-of-this-world, not to mention extremely tired. Besides that, however, I notice no signs of a hangover and I coast through the rest of my day with ease.

My night was wonderful. Although the visuals and hallucinations were minimal, the trip was still very good. It was much like that of ecstasy. The warm feelings and euphoria were very similar. Things I will try to avoid next time I try Morning Glory Seeds are not taking the seeds on an empty stomach. I believe I would not have had as much nausea if I had eaten beforehand. Also, I would have taken the seeds earlier. The trip lasts around 6-7 hrs., so I need to plan time wisely. My trip got very intense at times and if I was not fully prepared and experienced in situations such as these, I might have freaked out and maybe done something stupid. I highly recommend this trip to anyone looking for a great introspective tripping experience. I would not recommend taking Morning Glories at a party. Trip somewhere that is calm and that you know well. This will lead to a better trip in my opinion.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45748
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 16, 2007Views: 10,798
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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