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Pushing It
Aprazolam, Cocaine, Cannabis & Alcohol
Citation:   Willh2. "Pushing It: An Experience with Aprazolam, Cocaine, Cannabis & Alcohol (exp46012)". Dec 20, 2007.

3 tablets oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  3.5 g insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
  3.5 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
I started out with two Xanax pills on a Saturday evening. I'm not a fan of Xanax, and I usually turn it down when offered, but a friend had given me two of them, and I was starting to get bored, so I broke each pill into 4 pieces and swallowed them.

The effects don't come on too hard for me (with Xanax); I gradually feel slightly drowsy and lose track of events (more so with larger doses). About 45 minutes or so after injesting the Xanax, my friend and I went out for the evening. Since Xanax blurs my memory the day after taking it, I can't provide much detail of the night.

We met up with two friends and decided to get an eight-ball of cocaine. We then went to another friend's apartment, and he's pretty cool so we let him do a couple of lines. He gave me another Xanax pill and I took it right away. I was pretty fucked up by now and I was having a lot of fun. My three friends and I went back to our place to get coked out. We did some amazing lines, some about 5-6 inches long.

I was experiencing a much different high than usual. I felt the Xanax still, but inevitably the cocaine had taken over. If I had known we were getting coke that night, I would have saved the Xanax for later. We all had a good time. We talked, listened to music, and I think we smoked a primo blunt of marijuana, laced with a generous amount of cocaine.

We had done all, or almost all of the cocaine, and we knew the cocaine come down was something to avoid if at all possible. So we called our main weed man, and he said if we wanted anything we had to be there in no less than 20 minutes. Being as high on cocaine as we were, we cleaned the place, wiping powder off the glass kitchen table and whatnot, probably in no more than three minutes. We hauled ass over to our dealer's place. We had to considering how far away he is and how little time we had. We bought about an eighth of some high quality dro.

We were relieved, to say the least, that we had the weed to beat the cocaine come down. When we got home, we lit up and drank some liquor one of my friends had brought. We were all plain fucked up by now; me especially since I had taken the three Xanax pills before all of it. Funny, though, I kept wanting more alcohol. The liquor of all things wasn't seeming to be kicking in very strong as it usually does. I drank a LOT of it. It later turned out my friend's older brother had taken half the liquor in the bottle and watered the rest down, which made sense.

Well, after this crazy night, we all went to a breakfast diner near downtown Dallas to eat. All I remember from it was eating strawberry pancakes. I pushed it that night. A lot could could have gone wrong, but nothing did. But I did it right. I mixed the substances, which made it all the more interesting. My only regret is that I remember so little about that night as a result of the Xanax. But hell, it was fun. My friends told me I seemed to be having the most fun out of all of them. I don't doubt it.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46012
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 20, 2007Views: 30,976
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Alcohol - Hard (198), Cocaine (13), Pharms - Alprazolam (98) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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