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Divine Meta Time
Acacia obtusifolia (extract)
Citation:   shamanatrix:27. "Divine Meta Time: An Experience with Acacia obtusifolia (extract) (exp46020)". Sep 7, 2005.

7 hits smoked Acacia (tar / resin)
[27 years old, female]

At the end of a five-day-long retreat, I decided to close the circle with an Acacia journey. I felt very centered. Because I have smoked tryptamines before, I knew how intense this experience could be. I chose to wait to smoke Acacia until I was in a very grounded state within, with plenty of time focused on the creation of a clear intention/question to pose to the journey. Through lots of tripping/entheo experiences, I have come to the innerstanding that my entheo-adventures are most useful when I have a clear intention or question that I can bring to the experience. It has become increasingly less interesting to just “party” or have purely recreational trips. Although I do love to trip for fun, I feel that the edge of the psychedelic frontier for me is best reached with a certain amount of intention, focus and preparation.

The setting: We were in the middle of the woods, in a protected quiet place. Beginning with the calling of the directions and inviting of allies five days before, my dear girlfriend and I had opened a ritual circle to help make our surroundings sacred. It felt really good to have a friend/co-pilot sit for me who could hold space and guardian me from burning myself or from hurting myself or the environment around me. My intention was: “To learn more about the relationship between art and healing. I want to know how to combine these modalities in order to serve the healing of the planet.” My friend smoked first. She had an intention that she too verbalized out loud. I sat in silent meditation, weaving a matrix of glowing full-spectrum love light from my hands with the intention of holding a safe space and to perhaps enhance her experience. After about 10 minutes, she came back from her journey looking very VERY peaceful and alive. We processed her experience briefly, then prepared the pipe for my turn.

I smoked a crumb approximately the size of a baby aspirin, about double the amount she did (I know this because I packed the pipe for us both). I felt ready to have a full-force experience, without feeling the need to completely blast off and forget my body and my question/intention. Then it was my turn. I took many tokes from the small glass pipe that was filled with the Acacia extract and an herbal blend free of tobacco and cannabis. The mix included mugwort, sage, lavender, elephant head, etc. I have learned from past experiences that I prefer the Acacia without cannabinoids. I had to re-light several times and took about 7-8 draws on the pipe to combust the majority of the contents. At first I felt a deep sense of gravity wash over me and I felt very heavy. Then a series of vibratory waves took place from my head down, almost like a massage for my spirit and organs. I repeated my intention/question during this time of receiving the vibrational waves... and immediately I got my answer, that a project that I have started with some friends is the immediate outlet for my call to combine art and healing for planetary healing. The message came through: every project that I am currently involved with is one in a series of tests for me to show up and prove myself and my abilities, to be present and exhibit “follow-through”, which is one of the challenges that I am working on at a personal level.

I felt really happy to receive this message. It felt very appropriate and fulfilled my yearning for answers. I felt like I had just had a really effective therapy session, and it was only a couple of minutes, instead of a couple of hours. Plus, the wisdom came from my own self, bubbled out from my core...inherently making the information more meaningful. From there I asked: “What else do you have to show me/teach me?” I went on a most delightful journey through a series of transmissions and visuals. The visuals were different from any of my previous tryptamine experiences. They were exclusively of Haida origins (Northwest Coast Native artwork). I saw a slew of zoomorphic images all in 3D and varying two-color combinations, mostly complementary colors, which made the images “pop” and added to the 3D appearance.

There were personal messages encoded like: “you are a dancer” and “drink less caffeine”. There were others of an intimate personal nature, and there were even some glimpses of Earth from space and how going into the vast reaches of the psychedelic experience affects the field of the planet. All very affirming and relatively mellow! I sat in lotus position during the entire experience, doing a series of movements with my hands and arms. From smoking to coming out of the experience telling my friend about my time, I think was a total of 10-12 minutes. I am so glad that I did this trip. Wow. I definitely feel that doing a bit less than the super-duper dose, which many of my community-mates like, was better for me. I totally understand the truth behind “less is more”. For me in this experience, that definitely rings true.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46020
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 7, 2005Views: 26,942
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Acacia (77) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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