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The First Flower After The Flood
by Doc
Citation:   Doc. "The First Flower After The Flood: An Experience with AMT (exp4618)". Jan 19, 2001.

110 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
I was in posession of a very sizeable quantity of AMT, and had done some experiments via insufflation (nasty), smoking (nasty), and oral routes. All previous experiments had been done by myself alone, in doses around 20-35mg.

At this time I felt very comfortable with AMT, a mild stimualting psychedelic which was long lived and well tolerated for me... Then I wanted to try it with my girlfriend.

I filled a capsule with about 25-28mg or so for her, and her not being too well exposed to psychedelics, gave her the basics. After she was comfortably tripping I ingested 110mg, and I knew it was stupid but I wanted to test the limits. I informed her of the possibility of adverse reaction and she understood and was OK with that, and a friend of her's was over to spend the evening with us. She was completely sober.

60minutes or so, +1.7 or so, I felt tuned in, the pleasent psychedelic flavor became so apparent and my girlfriend and I were buzzing around the house, she spent quite a while looking into a $5 bill and didn't say much but that she was 'in there', I later found out she had seen herself running around the $5 bill (?)

100minutes or so, +3, Ahhh! My motor control was quite less than perfect, I was getting confused, and visuals abounded. I was in a state on amnesia, I couldnt remember what I had just done, or what was going on. This was no longer fun, but I was still having a 'good' time...

(this portion was relayed to me by those whom were there, no times are listed because time ceased to exsit, and in my mind, so did I)

I apparently became somewhat more intoxicated, I was sweating, flushing, and running a temp. My heart was racing apparently, and I had some barbituates around (phenobarbital 100mg) which were given to me to prevent seizing out, and to calm me down.

I couldnt do anything very well, and I stumbled out to the living room and collapsed, only to begin rolling around on the floor, mumbling. Nothing I said was intelligible, and when it was it was in a tourettes fashion, I mumbled shit like 'ladder form where cat gone my odor and you', paused rolled about and hit my head as I lay under a table, hitting my head over and over again as I rolled about underneath it and would sit up to utter more jibberish. Every now and then I would pause and remain still and silent for a bit, than begin again. I stumbled into my bedroom, and was given another 100mg of barbituate, followed by .125mg of Halcion (triazolam). Things apparently went like this for some time, when it was elected I had to go to bed.

Placed into bed next to my beautiful girlfriend I barely even knew she was there, I rolled about in a rigid state and thought I heard someone (her?) speaking to me, when in fact no one was. I answered in jibberish.

I REGAIN SOME AWARNESS --------------------------------------------
I recall laying there and hearing these voices, I was immersed still in a world all my own, I partook of activity in my world, and every now and then would come to realize I was in my bed, although I saw colors flying from every direction, 'Movies' appear on walls, voices, nothing was real, everything was alive in a sense. I had no control over my body movements. I recall sitting up and uttering the only understandable thing that evening, which was : 'Where is a calculator, I need a calculator', 'Why?' my girlfriend asked. My response was a look of confusion, then the answer 'I need to calculate the percentage of hair in water.' And I layed back down. Apparently the barbituates finally took control and I slept soon after that. I woke up late in the afternoon the next day, and although I felt a bit off I was ok. A word to the wise, AMT is some nifty stuff, powerfull too...

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4618
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 19, 2001Views: 19,236
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AMT (7) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Overdose (29), Difficult Experiences (5)

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