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Up For Nine Days
Methamphetamine & GHB
Citation:   ClubCat. "Up For Nine Days: An Experience with Methamphetamine & GHB (exp46187)". Dec 9, 2005.

  repeated oral GHB
    repeated   Methamphetamine
I have quiet a lot of experience with both Tina (meth) and G (GHB) but I decided to describe this one because it's one of the craziest. Here in New York - especially in a gay community or in the club scene - the combination of these two drugs is extremely popular. We even have a special code for it - girlfriends Tina and Gina :) I was familiar with Tina and G for at least five years but I was never into it up until about a year ago when I started dating this guy who was kind of addicted to both drugs. Of course after a while I picked up on his habit too. Don't get me wrong. I was never addicted to either one of them. But ones in a while, when I go out, if i decide to get benged up, I would choose to do Tina and G over anything else.

Music Conference 2005 in Miami. The majority of club-going kids (including me, of course) went to South Beach. I'll explain for those who's not into House music - every spring Miami has a DJ Convention. So Miami turns into a nightclub where hundreds of DJs play non-stop for five days in a row. What a paradise for Tina-heads ;) I wasn't planning on doing too much drugs, so I got myself a two-way ticket for nine days. Most of my friends told me that I was nuts. That I wouldn't last that long, LOL....... little did they know me!

As soon as I got to my hotel I called some people I knew, stocked up on my stash (mostly Tina and G) and went out clubbing. No matter how much I think about it, I honestly don't remember the exact quantities of drugs I bought. All I remember that whatever I got on the first day (something like 10 grams of Tina and 10 oz of G) was supposed to last me all nine days. Right! I'm not sure that I even remember exactly what I was doing the next three days but by the end of the third day I was out of drugs so I ordered some more. Plus by that day some of my friends arrived from NYC and brought even more drugs with them. So the party officially started. I remember days were flying like the Concord airplains. Every time I went outside to go from one club to another it was a different time of the day (day/night/evening/day/morning/etc.) And I thought it's only been a few hours tops! Constantly I had to meet up with different people I know because people I was with would get tired and go to sleep. I kept buying more and more drugs in clubs and from the dealers I knew. I would only stop by my hotel room to take a shower and change. I had so much energy that I couldn't stop dancing in clubs so not only I didn't sleep at all, I wouldn't even sit down for more than five minutes. I didn't really eat either.

A couple of times my friends force-fed me a little of protein shakes. That's it! I lost at least 12 lbs on that vacation. On the seventh day I crashed. We were chilling at a cobana in Nikki Beach suddenly I felt that I'm passing out. I felt that I wouldn't even make it to my hotel. So I asked my friend who was staying only a couple of blocks away to take me to his place. As soon as I got to the bed I passed out. I thought that was it, that my body wouldn't take any more partying.

Exactly 45 minutes later a bunch of people walked into the room and woke me up. Surprisingly I felt very refreshed and full of energy again. So I partied for two more days. The first decent rest I got on a flight back.

I know some of you won't believe me but I swear it's a true story. And the most amazing thing is that even I thought that after a vacation like that I would get addicted to Tina. But I was wrong. Of course I felt tired for like a week after. But I did NOT have any desire to touch Tina. It's been six months since then and I only did Tina once. At a club. I know what I did was not normal. And I would never do anything like that again. But I'm not sorry that I did it.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46187
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 9, 2005Views: 3,408
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Methamphetamine (37), GHB (25) : Multi-Day Experience (13), Combinations (3), Club / Bar (25)

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