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The Local Authorities
Citation:   KamikazeNoodle. "The Local Authorities: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp46226)". Jun 13, 2007.

2.0 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
The whole thing began when I was awoken that morning by a call from a girl I knew, who we'll call 'C', and asked me if I would like some mushrooms for that evening. I had tripped on shrooms once before (I'm 17 BTW) and thought it to be the greatest thing this side of ecstasy, so of course I agreed. We worked out the details and rendezvoused so I could provide money. Later that evening, C called to inform me that, after some difficulty, she eventually managed to acquire the blessed fungi for her, her friend, and me and my friend. That night, I and my friend, (who we'll call 'M') went out to A's house, which is small and part of a closely packed complex. I was surprised to find that she had a full-blown party going, with about eight people drinking inside or sitting on the stoop. Also, I thought this in somewhat bad taste, considering the legal status of the acts taking place within, but it seemed my concerns fell on drunken ears.

C also seemed to think nothing of tripping with so many loud drunks about, which seemed to be due to her having a drug experience which up to that point had only consisted of marijuana. But I decided not to worry about it, and subsequently consumed the just over a half-eighth of shrooms around 10:00, along with C, M, and C's female friend S, also new to the psychedelic experience. Now, me and M were considerably experienced drug users having tripped on X and DXM, and smoked weed nearly every day for the past three months, and generally knew how to keep our heads. C and S, on the other hand, were loud and hyperactive and acted like they were on psychedelics when they just smoked weed. M and I were somewhat nervous about that as well, but we had one sober man in the house to take care of any problems, so we decided not to let worry spoil our trip.

About 30 minutes after eating the shrooms, M and I decided it would be a grand idea if we attended a sober get-together of people from our school at some girl's house that was going on that night, and just see if we could pass ourselves off as sober. So we climbed into a sober friend's car and he drove us out there. I could feel the shrooms kicking in mid-ride, and things started looking hazy and beautiful. When we got to the party, M, the driver, and I quickly made our way to the basement, where a good twenty people were crammed about playing pool and watching Lord of the Rings. Normally, I would've found this all very boring, but in my current condition I found the noise and movement somewhat overwhelming. Indeed, I could barely keep my mind steady whilst trying to talk to a girl from school I hadn't seen all summer, and I'm sure I must've looked very paranoid or deranged looking over my shoulder so much. M expressed to me that he couldn't take much more of it, and I agreed, so the three of us made our way outside.

We ran into a mutual friend of ours in the lawn, who suggested we come with him to the local bowling alley to meet some people. So off then we went, the sounds of the Unicorns blaring from our driver's speakers. At the bowling alley, M and I only encountered more fear and loathing, as we walked by a cop surveying the crowd for underagers, as by this point it was past 11:00. Faces by this point were contorting, and it became increasingly difficult to converse casually and look like a level-headed citizen in this environment. Exacerbating things tremendously was the pattern of the rug on the floor, which consisted of planets and stars repeating on and on, which gave the illusion that the floor did not exist and things were floating in space if I looked down. I thought it was rather cool, but the cop made me nervous, and M was increasingly uncomfortable, so the three of us went back to C's house.

The people had thinned out in number, but continued to sit on the stoop, which still seemed like a bad move to me given the lateness, but I said nothing. M and I retreated upstairs away from the noisy drunkards and loud ramblings of C and S, who were saying things about seeing dragons and other nonsense. M and I spent most of that night sitting in C's bedroom listening to Sigur Ros, philosophizing and enjoying watching the Stucco ceiling crawl. We were joined by C and S later, who shared between themselves and M a small bowl, which I passed up. This would prove to be a good move later on. After they smoked they left with the one sober man left in the house to buy cigarettes. I stayed in C's room still enjoying the tripping experience tremendously, as well as the now quiet house.

Then, just after C, S, and M returned, (about 1:45) one of those out on the stoop busted in shouting that the police were coming. Now, I, having narrowly out-run police before whilst drinking at parties, thought the best course of action would be to sprint out the backdoor as fast as possible. I remember yelling something like, 'alright motherfuckers, this is it, the moment of truth, when we stare into the face of Fate and hope it's not too ugly' just before taking off barefoot through the backyard. Apparently S agreed running was a good idea, as she followed me out the door. Then, before we got but twenty feet, the lights shined upon us and we heard the voices: 'Freeze!' I just stopped right then and there, a sort of defeated smile upon my face. S continued to try to escape, clearly out of it as she turned round in circles each time a cop or cop car would get in her way, so I attempted to call her and tell her to stop trying, that it was no good. One of the officers approached me and told me to follow him, taking me round to the front of the house and asking me why I ran. 'You know, I'm not really sure, officer,' I told him honestly. One of the bigger cops gave me some shit about him having better things to do than chase down little fucks like me, which I thought was typical cop idiocy at its best.

Normally, when one is apprehended by the police and is facing serious legal and parental consequences for his offenses, one tends to get nervous. But thanks to the magic of the shroom body buzz, I didn't really feel all that bad. I just figured, 'Whatever happens, happens.' So I answered the officer's questions about age, possession of weapons, and whether my parents knew I was there or not honestly and succinctly. The officer asked me if I had been drinking, and I told him no. He asked if I had been smoking marijuana, and I told him no. He then informed me that because I was under 18 I would have to call my parents and have them come pick me up.

I was relieved I was not getting arrested, especially considering he had shined a flashlight directly into my face and must have surely seen my gigantic pupils, but still I felt bad having to wake up my parents at such a late hour. Everyone else was getting asked questions as well, but, being over 18, they were all simply told to keep the noise down. Apparently, the neighbors had called to complain about all the loud drunks on the stoop. Go figure, I thought. Poor S, however, was thrown into the back of a paddy-wagon and I feared they would throw her in jail. Before my father arrived I was allowed to grab my CDs and say my goodbyes to the others there. When my father did arrive, we had a tense ride home, but I don't think he realized I was still feeling residual shroom effects. When I got home I ate some food and chatted online with M, who told me that S had been taken to her parents house and not to prison, which releived me enough that I could sleep.

The next day, my mother asked me what had happened, and I told her. Other than that, it never came up in conversation again. I'd made it out free, somehow. Fought the law and won. All in all, it was a learning experience for all of us. S and C actually quit drugs altogether after they got in serious trouble with their parents. They have been clean since, which I suppose is good for them. M and I learned, however, that security is primary. Even if the promise of drugs tempts me, I will refuse them if the environment seems radically insecure.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46226
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 13, 2007Views: 7,073
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Mushrooms (39), Police / Customs (60) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Various (28)

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