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Department of the Interior
Citation:   NSbeast. "Department of the Interior: An Experience with DOI (exp46267)". Jan 26, 2007.

8.0 mg   DOI
I had taken DOI previously to this about six or seven times, so I was relatively familiar with the substance. In past times I had taken 2, 4, and 5 mg. doses, and had mild to semi intense effects. I felt very comfortable with this drug so I decided to abruptly up the dose to 8 mg.

It began to come on much faster than I had ever noticed with it before. I would say by the one hour point I was drifting strongly, but the drawn out nature of this drug is always underestimated. By 3 hours I was spun upside down already, and it was just beginning. I was at an outdoor event and I chose to stay in my tent for the first couple hours of the trip. The physical feeling is very strong, but pleasant. By hour 4 I was beginning to feel much more comfortable. The physical stimulating feeling had pretty much gone away, but the visual and mental effects continued to get stronger until about the 11th or 12th hour. I swear by the time I would normally be coming down from something like LSD I was peaking from DOI, and I felt like I was walking on Mars.

The mental effects are a little more pleasant than with some psychedelics, and the attitudes of my friends and I was upbeat the entire time. While I took 8 mg, I had a friend with me who had eaten 15 mg that night. He had said that it did not get too much more intense visually, but it became somewhat unreal. Taking smaller amounts is probably a good idea until one knows how one will react, because although I have seen alot of this drug ingested, I have also seen people pretty overwhelmed on moderate amounts too. So needless to say its definetely experimental.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46267
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 26, 2007Views: 8,310
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DOI (259) : Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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