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A Pleasant Trip to the Beach in Ireland
Citation:   Epoch93. "A Pleasant Trip to the Beach in Ireland: An Experience with DOB (exp46544)". Oct 11, 2005.

  oral DOB (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!] We then went for a few drinks in the local bars chatting to the locals and generally having a most agreeable evening with the drug still in full swing. Its most useful effect however we were to discover was as an aphrodisiac, our lovemaking on the substance was little short of spiritual. Nothing except perhaps LSD has ever had an effect like the DOB had in bed for us. Sublime would be an understatement. We found that, it did not, like most Phenylethylamines, suppress the ability to eat or sleep. We rose early the next morning, ate a huge breakfast and were still tripping, the enhancement of the senses was still in full flight, but it had worn of by around dinner time.

I went on to have quite a few more experiences with DOB having tracked down more of the “dodgy E’s” which people were only too happy to give to me at a very cheap rate, no-one else wanting them.

To summarise an excellent, easy going psychedelic, none of the rapid come ups of mushrooms or LSD, very little confusion or disorientation, a drug on which one can, on a reasonably light dose, go to work and generally go about one’s daily business whilst tripping on it with no trouble whatsoever. It is also a supreme aphrodisiac, and good for meditating, doing spiritual exercises etc... But as an agent for inducing full on out of this world trips like those of high dosage LSD, Psilocybin or DMT it seems pretty useless. I went on to take an estimated 10mg one night, and it just didn’t take me to the heights I should have expected. Resistance to the drug also builds up rapidly. I like DOB, a very practical clear clean headed psychedelic. I’ll just quote Shulgin himself, “Wunnerful, gorgeous stuff.” It is a great pity that such life enhancing benevolent molecules like DOB are criminalised by ignorant legislation, hopefully one day this will all change, and Shulgin’s materials amongst others, can be used by therapists, scientists and artists for the benefit of mankind.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 46544
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 11, 2005Views: 16,795
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DOB (19) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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