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Stand Alone = Useless
Meclizine & DXM
Citation:   anarchOi. "Stand Alone = Useless: An Experience with Meclizine & DXM (exp46759)". Jan 5, 2018.

400 mg oral Pharms - Meclizine (pill / tablet)
  2 Tbsp oral DXM (liquid)
Well I found a full bottle of Meclizine 25mg tabs and the name registered familiar in my mind. So I looked up Meclizine on a reputable website and found that it had it's own vault as well as a few reports of having no effects.

I was out of weed so I decided to try them out for myself. I've never really found any pills to have much effect when not used as an opiate to a more prominent drug like marijuana, so I downed 16 of the pills(400mg) along with 2 tablespoons of Robitussin-DM to hopefully iniate an onset of the Meclizine. Note: It was a small bottle of Robitussin with only a little DXM

Never got any trippy effects. Vision got a little blurry at one point but nothing like the effects associated with Dimenhydrinate.

I'll save Meclizine for vertigo.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46759
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 5, 2018Views: 1,874
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