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Warm Euphoric Goodness
Citation:   420_Psych. "Warm Euphoric Goodness: An Experience with Kratom (exp46806)". Jan 23, 2014.

  repeated oral Kratom
There is a distinct lack of positive kratom reviews, which is bizarre due to it's amazingly good effects (for something legal). The first time I bought kratom, I did so in the form of a 10g extract, which was boiled in a pan with water until a thick, sickly coffee-looking drink was left. Which tasted like ass. From this I felt warm throughout with my mood definitely elevated, I even took the time to socialise. Not some pseudo-social-phobe or anything I'm just not usually good with small talk but it felt really good to talk. The euphoria, though mild in comparison to opiates is unimaginably larger than that of alcohol.

However, the taste of the extract was off-putting and I soon found supplies of premium (and then later super-premium) kratom powder, which was in a league of it's own in effects. The taste has completely diminished to that of a strong green tea which over time I've grown to love, yet the effects increased exponentially. I always found the extract to be very 'heady', like vessels in my head were constricting on higher doses, yet, on the powder it's all over 'bodily' and the euphoria is much higher.

To anyone who may think this is placebo the mild drymouth and constricted pupils suggest otherwise. This has quickly become my drug of choice in comparison to other damaging (physiologically and psychologically) drugs, though advise everyone to read up on any drug before deciding to take.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46806
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 23, 2014Views: 4,237
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Kratom (203) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Glowing Experiences (4), Unknown Context (20)

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