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An Ending
Citation:   Anony5000. "An Ending: An Experience with DOI (exp46867)". Dec 5, 2005.

T+ 0:00
2.66 hits oral DOI (blotter / tab)
  T+ 12:00 1800 mg oral Valerian (capsule)
+0 - From nowhere I found myself in possession of a 100 sheet of DOI blotters (I am sure that this material is what it is). I had not been planning on tripping too hard tonight, but my plans to hang out with a friend had fallen through, so I decided to try a decent dose of DOI. Hearing from other people that the drug takes a few hours to kick in, I drove out to the movies (Corpse Bride), and dropped slightly less than 2 and a half hits as I walked in.

+1:00 - There seems to be some definite activity going on. Colors blurring, oddities in the screen, patterns. This seems to be taking hold much too fast.

+1:30 - The movie ends and I am at a heavy +2. The world seems a very bizarre place right now. I rush out of the theater and into my car; the ride home is stressful. I am very surprised and grateful now that I was able to make it home safely, in retrospect. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
+2:00 to +12:00 - There is a big blur here, and a lot of amnesia. From what I remember at certain points, I am curled up on the floor rocking with a pillow urinating myself somewhat uncontrollably. At another disconnected memory, Jesus Christ shook my roof, tore it open, and began speaking to me. The visuals were second to none. This stuff made LSD look like the light beer of psychedelics. As Shulgin noted in PiHKAL, everything is completely delinearized; not a single straight line can be seen, everything bubbles out and patterns, grows, vibrates, flashes, breathes, transforms, and shifts colors endlessly. Trails hang in eyesight for periods of ten seconds or more. Simple arithmatic is impossible. The body load was incredibly painful, as well. There was numbness all over a lot of my body, and aches in my muscles and joints (as people seem to note moreso with DOB).

At some point during this time (towards the end I'm pretty sure, I must've been completely out of my head because I would never have otherwise made this decision) I consumed 3-5 450mg gelcaps of Valerian root, in hope that I might be able to bring myself down a little because I was tripping insanely roughly. I think this only added to the insanity, though. It's also perhaps responsible for some of the amnesia, but I really don't know.

+12:00 - The sun has now risen, and the daylight is even more bizarre than the night. People walking past my porch leave trails a mile long, and make bizarre hops between movements, sometimes teleporting across my visual field great distances. Everything is alive and moving, bubbling, growing infinitely. My body is in extreme pain; nausea and joint pain grows worse as time goes on. The Valerian root seems to have added a heavy tiredness to the trip, too. There seems to be very little drop in intensity from 8 hours ago. I want nothing more than this trip to be over. It is mostly traumatic to the nth degree. I call a friend and he takes it upon himself to make sure I survive this trip okay. At some points I am sure I am overdosing because of the pain my body is in, and very nearly call the police/911. My friend, thank God, manages to convince me that this is a poor idea. I flushed all my research chemicals, a half ounce of marijuana, and the remaining 97+ hits of DOI down the toilet in a bout of paranoia.

+16:00 - There is a lot of crying, and no end to the pain, or intensity. I roll on at a +3 in the most extreme sense. I want nothing more than for this trip to end. I am afraid at some points that I might die because of how bad the pain my body is in. The closed eye visuals are absurd, wicked fantasies and imagery of some of the most hideous sights I had ever witnessed (piles of melting eyeballs and rotting flesh, among other weirdness). This stuff has an evil, schizophrenic edge.

+20:00 - Zero drop in intensity. Closing my eyes then opening them seems to make the world dissolve and then reintegrate. Immense paranoia and body discomfort. I try to watch some television, but it is nothing but a blur of color and light, completely incomprehensible.

+25:00 - Still going and going and going and going. Pretty much still no less intense than it had been before. Same terrifying CEVs, psychotic fantasy. I try to sleep, but it's still absolutely impossible, as it has been throughout the whole trip. I want nothing more than this nightmare to be over. If my friend wasn't there to talk my down, I would surely be in a hospital by now.

+30:00-32:00 - It was at this time that the drug bottomed out, almost as quickly as it had come in. I am nothing but glad it is over. I manage to sleep for a few hours. The next day I'm still at a +1, but aside from being a bit colorful and bizarre, I'm able to manage fine. At the end of this experience, I have decided that I no longer wish to consume drugs.

Conclusion: This was one of the most traumatic experiences of my whole life; the shortness of the entry cannot begin to describe some of the the things experienced during the trip, nor do I believe words could ever be adequate enough. Did I overdose? It sure felt like it. Maybe by body is sensitive to DOI. Who knows? My relationship with mind-altering substances is over. I have no desire to fuck around with this stuff anymore.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46867
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 5, 2005Views: 25,461
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DOI (259) : Overdose (29), Multi-Day Experience (13), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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