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Bad Trip
DPT & Cannabis
Citation:   Enlightened. "Bad Trip: An Experience with DPT & Cannabis (exp46899)". Jan 11, 2007.

100 mg insufflated DPT (powder / crystals)
This story includes me and my friends J, C, and H. Me and H have been through a lot together and he is included in one of my other experiences I submitted where we took ecstacy. Anyway, we're are at a local baseball park, sitting in a car discussing this new drug C bought off the net as a 'research chemical'. C produced from his pocket a small baggy with a tan, brownish powder inside. 'It's DPT.', he said, 'You snort it and you trip like LSD.' There was 500mg in the bag. He said it was a molecularly tweaked form of DMT.

H refused the drug at first because his girlfriend had made him swear he wouldn't try this new drug. Peer pressure always wins. We found a surface to make lines on and we did our best dividing it up into five 'even' lines. 100mg in each line, or so we thought. It was very stupid of us to eye out, to the mg (impossible!), an unknown substance which we were about to put up our nose. So we snorted our lines and put the remaining line back into the bag.

It hurt very bad to snort it, burned badly. We desperately needed a liquid to flush out our nasal cavities and decided to walk to the park water fountain. The fountain was out of order. Our noses were hurting so badly. I believed cannabis acts as a mild pain reliever, and having a sack along with some joints, we sat down on some steps to toke up. A bowl was loaded and a spliff was sparked and we smoked. Instantly the visuals were brought on. The horizon stretched as far as my eye could see.

I looked at the ground and noticed that it was foaming, or boiling. A foam-like mass of bubbles was collecting on the ground. Tracers were ridiculously long-lasting. There were literally five of my hands plastered on my field of vision. They hung there for what seemed like minutes before dissipating. I kept repeating to my companions, 'I'm falling off into something..I'm falling off into something..' over and over hoping for a response as to how hard they were tripping. Our skin was breathing. Going from skeletal to plump and back. I wondered if we were all convulsing and the intense tracers made it appear like our skin was breathing. I was tripping hard.

I notice H leaning over the rail and heaving. I took no notice to his vomitting. Then C began to vomit. It was red, or orange, but very bright. I cannot handle the sight or smell of vomit. Seeing my friends puking made me start to puke everywhere. I puked a lot. There was so much of it I couldn't believe it. I wondered where it all came from. J never puked once. I asked, 'How long have we been sitting here?'. Time was severly distorted. This was scary. I could honestly not remember if we had been sitting there for seconds, minutes, or even hours. I wondered if I was late to work.

We had lost touch with reality. In limbo. C proposes, 'What if we're dying?' This was not a good question. My thoughts were racing. What did I just snort? What did we just put into our bodies? How far have I just gone? What if I'm dying? What if we are really dying? Holy shit, is that a scary thought. I think my life flashed before my eyes. We literally freaked out and ran, while puking, to J's car. J told me later that the faster he ran to his car the farther away it got until it just appeared in front of him and he slammed into it.

C and I collapsed onto the ground, puking, tripping. I saw some people walking their dog and with all I could I shouted, 'Help!' They didn't even look. I wondered if they were even real. This was scary. So, our current state of mind was that we just poisoned ourselves with an unknown 'research chemical' my friend got off the net. So I thought, 'Call 911!' I took C's cell phone and dialed 911. I told the lady we did some drug and we needed help. I told her the name of the park. Then I realized we had drugs on us and hung up.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Convinced cops were on the way to the park right then, I urged verybody to pile into the car cause we needed to get out of there. Once in the car, I freaked out and told J not to drive because he was hallucinating and it was dangerous to drive. J said he wasn't sticking around for cops. We were all screaming at each other, freaking out, tripping. It was so scary. Suddenly J took off and H started to just get out of the speeding car. I screamed 'Oh my god, what the fuck is going on. J, stop! J, what's going on!' Screaming, terrified. J slowed down for H to get out and took off without him. I kept screaming for him to stop the car. I wasn't about to leave a friend behind in all this mess so I got out.

Luckily J stayed put while I collected H. As I walked toward H I noticed he was white as a sheet. He looked like a zombie, with empty eyes. I told him I was sorry for bringing him along. Things were turning out badly and we were scared. We both got into the car and J began to drive to his house a few miles away. The ride was incredibly smooth if I remember correctly. J obeyed all the traffic laws. I think I remember driving by a gas station that was nowhere near our route to J's house.

C dialed his mother on his cell and told her that he was dying and that he loved her very much. J snatched the phone away and shuts it off. He screamed at C to shut up. J became very violent and irritable and I wondered at one point if he was going to kill C. J later told me that he was trapped in a time warp and we kept saying the same things over and over and over again.

At one point in the drive we are in a neighborhood avoiding main roads when H leans between the two front seats and says firmly and loudly, 'J, stop!' He slammed the brakes and a screech, or squeal, which I think was the breaks, rang through the air for what seemed like minutes. H sat back down and was quiet, we drove.

Arriving at J's house I told him to go inside and get four glasses of water. I thought this might make us feel better. He brings out two glasses of frickin' milk. Milk for God's sake. He tells me later that in the kitchen he could not get the milk to pour into the glass and it seemed like he poured ten glasses of milk. I drank the milk and puked it up seconds later. I collapsed on my back on his front porch. His dad came outside, saw me rolling on the ground, pale, moaning and asked J what was wrong with us.

C was talking to a tree and H was just standing there, pale and looked dead. J's dad went inside to get the wife. J's mom came outside, and knowing and liking me the most, ushered me inside. I told her I had a heat stroke from skateboarding out in the sun and got sick and fainted. She called my mom and told her something was wrong with me and I told my mom the same story. Outside, a cop rolled up. This was unexpected. J ran out back and threw his glass pipe into a pond and tossed the herb over a fence.

The cop came inside, up to me and said, 'Where's the GHB?' That ammused me. At this point, I no longer felt ill and was able to laugh at and disrespect this cop, an especially notorious one around my town. He asked me about the GHB one more time and left. Parents and ambulances arrived. The police discovered a tablet of ecstacy in J's car which turned out to be H's. The police held up the baggied tablet and asked, 'Is this what you took?' I'd never seen it before, so maybe. I began to wonder if what I just snorted was a crushed up 'one of those'.

H was so out of it he could answer no questions. I asked C, 'Is that what we took?' I thought C had orderd tablets of the stuff and just crushed them up. I overheard H's mom blathering about something but managed to overhear, '...laced with cyanide!' I then, truly thought, I was going to die. I thought C had ordered cyanide laced DPT tablets and we snorted them and now we're dead.

H was having a profound reaction to the DPT. He was totally gone on his trip. There in a physical sense but totally gone in his head. While being calmed by the EMT's he would stand up quickly and say. 'What the fuck?' A cop was threatening to cuff him and knowing that H had no control over himself I said to the officer, 'Man, he's tripping. Leave him alone.' H told me later that at the park he saw a light (as in 'The Light') and heard voices saying, 'It's okay to die.' He said that at J's house when medics where trying to talk to him that he only heard nonsense come out of their mouths, such as, 'Put on the backwards haircut.' and 'What's up is down.'

So, we we're all loaded into ambulances where I'm stuck with a giant IV needle once, and a second time cause he missed the first. Son of a bitch. At the hospital I am roomed with C, J is alone, and H was supposedly in IC. The standard poisoning procedures were being taken. Charcoal, the whole bit. I was there for a couple of hours and was released into the care of my mother.

We were told by the doctors that we almost died and that our livers could have failed. We were told that H's heart stopped and that he was revived. In his own room, H was reacting violently to the staff, knocking away any charcoal that was pointed at him, being loud and yelling at the nurses, refusing treatment. I'm not sure if I would do DPT again. It was very real, intense, and at times terrifying.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 46899
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2007Views: 16,149
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DPT (21) : First Times (2), Bad Trips (6), Health Problems (27), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Overdose (29), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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