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A Flying Kitten In The Sky
Cannabis Cookies
Citation:   Kathy. "A Flying Kitten In The Sky: An Experience with Cannabis Cookies (exp46904)". Erowid.org. Sep 5, 2017. erowid.org/exp/46904

1.5 g oral Cannabis (edible / food)
The first time I did cookies, oh what a night that was. I'd smoked pot before, sure, a few times. My friend M had decided the time was ripe for some cookies, so we went downtown and found our seller. He was creepy, very very creepy.

We went to a park near our apartment buildings, and we'd bought 3 cookies, so we each had one and a half. My mom's boyfriend called, and told us to come home for dinner. We were like 'Okay, fine, we're not that high yet.' Nothing really special happened, but once we started getting ready to go back out again, WHAM, it hit us both almost at the exact same time like a ton of bricks. We passed my mom coming in while we were going out, and telling her we were going to the park left something to be desired.

We wandered around our neighborhood for a while, enjoying how hard it was to walk and having a generally awesome time. But suddenly, I had to pee, and I had to pee RIGHT THEN. We went into M's laundry room, and I had some difficulty with the stairs, and watched the toilet water flow for what felt like hours.

We decided to go back to the park, where we sat down under some trees and had a couple of deep conversations, but all of a sudden, I had so much energy, it was impossible to sit still. I leapt up, ran into the middle of the field, and spun around in quick circles. I don't know how long that lasted, but I saw so many things in the clouds, I saw cats, dogs, houses, I even saw God once. M came up and told me that my spinning was making her nervous, so I stopped but once I did, I fell over immediately from being so dizzy (which I hadn't noticed). I was so high, I knew I crashed down, but I couldn't feel a thing.

We walked around the buildings again, and I have never felt closer to her than that first time on cookies. We had amazing conversations, her face was changing right in front of me and it was all beautiful. I felt like we were in some sort of movie, everything around us was plastic, and nothing was real but us, because we were in this magical world where only we and our stoned minds existed.

9 PM rolled around, and I had to go home to call my mom's boyfriend and let him know I came home, even though I was fully planning to leave again. That was definetly interesting. After I called him, I had a bit of a chat with my mother, and she probably thought I was high from the dreamy quality of my voice (it was my first time dealing with parents while high, so I was terrible at it). She stared me down so hard, I swear, her eyes bored holes through my brain. I finally left again, M was waiting outside my door. I was really worried that my mom had known and would be mad, and that gave me a paranoid edge to the experience.

We sat on some stairs outside, and suddenly I had the weirdest things happen. Things were moving around inside my head, noises would take forever to process, and I could barely speak. I told M that I could feel things squishing inside my brain, and she got really worried and said that I should go home, even though I'd just left. I stuck it out for a while, but in the end, decided to take her advice just in case it was something bad happening.

WRONG!! That's now my favourite part of the high, the squishiness in my head, I completely wasted it the first night. I enjoyed the elevator ride all too much, I think I went up and down a few times but that could just be an illusion.

My mom was skeptical that I was back so soon, but let me off the hook and sent me for a shower. Running water is my ultimate high toy, especially when I'm under it. I could feel every single droplet on my body, I could hear all the soap suds sliding down, the lights in the bathroom were incredibly bright, and every time I opened my mouth, I could taste the steam, flavoured with my scent and the shampoo and everything that had ever existed. I don't know how long I was in there, but it must have been normal, because nobody commented on it.

I crawled into my bed and I could hear the adults fighting, but I was totally tripping off of the noise, I was watching the curtains in my window and could predict everything they said. My mom came into my room, and got into my bed (its a double). I groaned and turned over to stare at my wall and the patterns on it.

I stayed vegetable-like for about an hour, and suddenly got up, ravenous. Never have I had such a case of the munchies, ever. I put sugar on some Raisin Bran and had about 3 bowls. I could see colours in my mouth, sometimes the cereal would be too sweet and sometimes it had no taste at all. It felt like gravel in my mouth, but then it felt orgasmically good. I chewed every bite so thoroughly, it felt like wet powder going down my throat, and I coughed a bit, but even coughing felt wonderful.

I went back to bed, and lay there for another hour and a half, then got up for even more food. My mom was fast asleep and didn't notice, but the boyfriend was up and about, asking if I was sure I wanted to eat this late. 'How late is it?' 'Oh, about midnight.' MIDNIGHT?! When the hell did that happen?! But I made myself a plate of the dinner leftovers anyway. It was some dirty Jamaican rice and stewed chicken, my favourite Jamaican food, and I savoured each bite fully and completely.

When I sighed an ecstatic sigh, the boyfriend laughed at me and I'm sure he realized just how stoned I was, but being a pothead himself, really couldn't comment.

The dreams I had that night were insane. Not scary, but just weird in every way. I don't remember them, but I know I woke up the next morning totally confused. I was STILL high, I couldn't go to school, so I just slept in until about 10, woke up again and was still freakin' high! I rode around Toronto with the boyfriend a bit, in some suburbs, and once we stopped for lunch, my real come-down started. I napped in the car on the way home, and sat trance-like in front of the TV when we got back, unable to comprehend a plot of any kind. When I woke up again the morning after, it was all gone, I felt normal again.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46904
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 5, 2017Views: 1,475
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Cannabis (1) : Multi-Day Experience (13), Hangover / Days After (46), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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