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Boundless Energy
Methamphetamine (Desoxyn IR)
Citation:   Mikey. "Boundless Energy: An Experience with Methamphetamine (Desoxyn IR) (exp46959)". Oct 23, 2006.

20 mg oral Methamphetamine (pill / tablet)
I have had extensive experience with Ritalin, (Methylphenidate) but by chance acquired some Desoxyn (Medical Methamphetamine)(ie Methedrine) 5mg Tabs. These are usually used for SEVERE Narcolepsy or ADHD. I found them in a persons drawer, in their Ovation pharms bottel. I took 4=20mgs. I am experienced with 60-100mgs Ritalin in a single day, but this felt VERY different!

After 10-15 mins I was sensing a superwide awake state, and a sence of alertness, awakeness, FAR unlike Ritalin (I can't believe that these two pills are both (Sch II) in the stimulants category of the FDA-along with amphetamines (unbelievable!!)

The 20mgs Desoxyn was far unlike the Ritalin I was used to-my eyes felt glued awake-and any fatigue, tiredness (which I often feel on Ritalin) was non-existant.

The pills were IR 5mgs so they did not last all day, but SURE gave me an insite into the most potent CNS stimulant (Methylphamphetamine-Desoxyn) had to offer. I had boundless energy and aliveness, and felt as if I could go about doing anything I chose.

I may visit my sources bottle again, when the opportunity arises, but for now the Ritalin-even at the highest dose of close to 100mgs, doesn't compare to Desoxyn, damn I wish I could be scripted to it, althought that may be a bad decision-given my enjoyable experience. Hail occasional Desoxyn!!

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46959
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 23, 2006Views: 33,416
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Methamphetamine (37) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Unknown Context (20)

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