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Smoked Ketamine
Citation:   That Guy. "Smoked Ketamine: An Experience with Ketamine (exp4700)". Jan 20, 2001.

  smoked Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Loaded an unknown (~100mg) amount of ketamine into my vaporizor, which consists of a plasic base with a tube coming out one side and a hotplate on the top which a glass bubble fits over. as soon as it touched the hotplate it started to turn to a black liquid and give off thick white smoke. i immediately put the bubble on and waited for it to fill. The smoke tasted bad but went down relatively smoothly. After 3 hits I started to feel the onset, so I stopped to observe the effects. Much like snorted ketamine. Took a few more hits and settled into the experience. I very very briefly touched the k hole, but the effects didn't last long enough to stay there.

All in all, exactly like snorted ketamine, except the effects lasted all of 10min. I'm interested in trying higher doses in the future, but am not too enthusiastic about it. I doubt that this method lasts long enough to be really 'useful', but is good for a quick buzz..

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4700
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 20, 2001Views: 84,750
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Ketamine (31) : Unknown Context (20), Preparation / Recipes (30), General (1)

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