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Extreme Nausea and Other Unpleasantness
Citation:   EatSomeLSD. "Extreme Nausea and Other Unpleasantness: An Experience with Bromo-Dragonfly (exp47046)". Nov 1, 2005.

T+ 0:00
100 ug oral Bromo-Dragonfly (liquid)
  T+ 3:00 100 ug oral Bromo-Dragonfly (liquid)
  T+ 4:00 24 oz oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 6:00 100 ug oral Bromo-Dragonfly (liquid)
  T+ 18:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
2 ml of .5 mg bromo / ml %40 ethanol was diluted in 8 ml of water to create a 100 ug / ml solution. Product was shared between 4 people; one 120-pound female at one 100 ug dose, and the other three (males, 115-140 pounds) at 300 ug doses (100 ug dose every 3 hours from initial dose).

T+0 - First dose.
T+3h - No effects noticed yet, second dose is taken.
T+4h - Still no effects; 24 oz. of 5.5% ABV Bud Light is consumed over the period of an hour.
T+6h - Last dose is taken...mild confusion, brighter colors are noticed. Slight stimulation begins to take hold.
T+12h - Still awake, very light visual activity (warping, tracers, etc.) is apparent.
T+18h - Approximately 4 grams of mid-grade cannabis is smoked between the three 300 ug-dosed subjects.
T+19h - I begin sweating and my skin becomes very clammy. Heavy visual activity at approximately Level IV intensity; patterning begins pushing through the walls of the house and morphing, while green vines flow between them.
T+29h - Visual effects begin degrading, stimulatory effects have now recessed.

Extreme nausea was experienced for 48 hours after ingestion; also, severe vaso-constriction was imminent (but no lasting vascular effects have been noted). Very light visual activity through most of the experience...onset and peak were unpredictable. I recommend avoiding bromo dragonfly and would suggest 2-CB instead, which has a much more predictable timetable and much more intense visual activity.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47046
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 1, 2005Views: 15,583
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Bromo-Dragonfly (349) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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