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A Great Time but I Don't Remember Parts
by Rory
Citation:   Rory. "A Great Time but I Don't Remember Parts: An Experience with Ketamine (exp47182)". Dec 30, 2018.

  oral Alcohol (liquid)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
The Call of Lady K

I had gone to a friend's party with the intentions of getting drunk and stoned, and not much else. The night before I had bought some K with the same friend who was hosting the party, and asked to bring a small amount home, but save the majority of what I had paid for for later. After a few hours at the party, I had become bored of marijuana, alchohal, and the guests, and so I asked my friend if I could take my share of the Ketamine. A large controversy ensued, and after consulting another friend, the host allowed me to take my share.

Using the sniffy I had made the previous night (out of a pen cap no less) A line was made for me, and I inhaled. The immediate effect I noticed was that because this dosage was so much larger than the one the night before, it wasnt only unpleasent, it was even painful. I emerged from the bathroom with tears streaming down the right side of my face, urgently trying to tilt my head backwards while at the same time hoping that too much of the K wouldnt drip down my throat.

I sat in a chair for a while with my head tilted back holding a bottle of water, so as to ensure I had something to wash away the drips with while still making sure the K didnt drip out my nose. After about 3 minutes, the drips went away, and normal feeling had returned to my right nostril, so I thought I'd go back to the party and see how everyone was doing. Standing up was unexpectedly...not difficult, but somewhat strange, as though there was something wrong with my legs. Then I started to walk. Going up the stairs themselves was an ordeal, and then the screen door to the back yard!

After I had gotten out of the house, I went to seek out all of my friends. I dont remember exactly how everyone at the party caught wind of me being on K, but I'm told I basically screamed it to everyone at the party. After a few bouts of being unable to stand up properly, and a few outbursts of random violence on my part, I was removed from the party (not by force, but by calm, coaxing suggestion) and I am told that I moved quite willingly to the basement bedroom of the host. I was quite content playing Onimusha 3 for a little while, going in and out of reality. I would get caught up in my trains of thought and simply stop playing, my mouth hanging slightly open and my eyes going wide, my pupils obviously dilated (or so I am told).

At one point, unable to unglue my eyes from Onimusha, I asked for my close female friend to be summoned to me, because I needed to apologize to her. Let it be known, that although I do remember asking for her, I do not remember why, and the person who went to get her for me was far too drunk to completely remember what I said. However, based on what I remember and what I am told I sadi to her, I'm pretty sure thats why I asked to see her. My friend came down and was wondering why I wanted to see her. I remember apologizing to her saying 'I've been such an ass tonight', however according to her I was anything but. I am told (but do not remember) that I occasionally went into random bouts of sobbing and weeping, only to snap back, moments later, all energies concentrated on Onimusha 3. I am told that at one point I was holding a pillow against my mouth and nose, with my eyes, wide, enlarged and dialated peering out over the top staring into nothingness, for about 3 minutes. Although, I can't say I remember. I played Onimusha fairly well I think, but after a while I got bored and left seeing as there was no one left in the room with me. I returned to the party outside, and I told everyone that I was comming down from the Ketamine, even though I realise now that that was not the case.

The mental effects of Ketamine took over during my stay in the bedroom, and now the physical effects took me over. I lost all sense of direction and gravity. It was as though I was encased in a Tansparent cotton ball, with the smallest hole for me to peer through. As I moved, I felt as though I had to push the cotton ball along with me. I remember my sight being profusely dim, and my other senses deadened as well. I had to concentrate on one sense at a time, I couldnt handle them all in unison. I tried to sit down and force myself back into the norm, and smoke a few bowls of weed with my favourite people, but this proved futile as I would soon find out. I knew something was wrong when I made to sit down on a white, plastic lawn chair. Because I had so little control of my weight that I actually sat all 185lbs. of me down on the chair so hard I broke the seat. After this I am told (and vaguely remember) that I went into bouts of convulsion and conversational seperation (i.e. not answering when people spoke, talking about things that werent actually being discussed, going on speaking about my trains of thought, etc.).

I dont remember how I got there, but my next memory of the party, Is being on my hands and knees on the grass with people all around me trying to coax me to get up, and then a drunken friend trying to forcibly draw me from the grass, which I dont remember, but I am told that I physically resisted him and eventually threw him off of me. All at once I have cognitive memory after this point, and I know because in quite a shock all of my senses came back to me. Everything was clear, and walking and speaking were not so hard anymore. I felt slightly lucid, and I was even able to carry on with conversations. I told a few jokes and I even had a bong hit or two. About half an hour after this clarity came to me, a kind of numbness overtook me. Not the traditional numbness I am told comes from Ketamine, but a kind of fuzziness in each of my senses. Things seemed distant and unimportant, and I was consumed by a kind of trance. Not as real a trance as I went into during the first stage of my enhibriation, but a kind of lost-in-thought vacancy that I even experience sober. A little while after this fuzziness came to me, I felt completely normal, maybe a little drunk and stoned, but I could tell I was not under the effects of Ketamine.

As I write this, it is 3 days after the party in question, and I still feel a kind of hunger for K, and I am slightly worried because I know it is addictive. I think I'll try it once or twice more, and then be done with it. It is, however, the most fun drug I have encountered yet.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47182
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 30, 2018Views: 1,097
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Large Party (54)

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