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Nothing Extraordinary
Citation:   Eat_Some_LSD. "Nothing Extraordinary: An Experience with 2C-B-Fly (exp47302)". Dec 15, 2005.

10 mg oral 2C-B-Fly
Subject is generally healthy 115 lb. male with moderate metabolism and no current tolerance to serotongenic compounds.

T+0h: 10 mg of 2-CB-Fly is ingested orally on an empty stomach.

T+1h: Mild stimulatory and entactogenic are effects are noticed, as well as some mild nausea. Slight CEV's are noted.

T+1.5h: Slight ego loss is apparent, mild synesthesia also noted. OEV's are extremely mild, much less hallucinogenic than 2-CE; however, the body component is highly pronounced.

T+4h: Body component loses its 'warmth', leaving a 'lossier' bodyload than I would find typical of 2-Cx's. Sexual enhancement is non-existant, in fact, every attempt at gratification is abruptly halted by the distraction of something completely non-sexual in nature. No vascular constriction is noticed, and vascular dysfunction normally felt even in sobriety has now dissipiated altogether, long after the effects of the drug have worn off.

T+8h: Baseline. A gentle crash, I found sleep quite easily.

Overall 2-CB-FLY is an enjoyable material, and while not Earth-shatteringly awe-inspiring, could definitely pose as an excellent intermediary to truely psychedelic compounds like LSD or 2-CE.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47302
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 15, 2005Views: 22,525
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2C-B-Fly (350) : Alone (16), General (1)

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