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It Melts in Your Mouth and Your Mind
by 1's
Citation:   1's. "It Melts in Your Mouth and Your Mind: An Experience with MDA (exp47438)". Sep 14, 2010.

T+ 0:00
2 tablets oral MDA
  T+ 0:45 1 tablet oral MDA
[Erowid Note: While it may be that the substance described below is MDA, Ecstasy tablets are notoriously impure or misrepresented, often containing chemicals other than those they are presumed to contain. This report is marked as an MDA report, but readers should be aware that this is more of a general Ecstasy report.]

To start off...I am well rounded in my drug experiences. Lots of e, coke, some speed, acid, mushies, pharmies, peyote, mescaline, 2-CT-7, and everything else under the rainbow. My most impactful, mind-opening experience did occur however under MDA.

I had bought a bunch of e before and being the careless youth that I was never really cared what was in the pills. On one occassion I came across these pressies, labeled 1. On my first experience with the 1's I had an alright time. Visuals were good, but nothing special. Alot of bouncing around. My visions seperated and bounced, back and forth, left and right, across my view. Similar to what I had experienced before with dextromethorphan hybromide, but less rigid. They were much smoother in motion. I experienced some pretty intense body sensations, but all in all, nothing to remarkable.

The next weekend (I am and always have been a weekend warrior) I decided to go with three. I first ingested two at say 7 o-clock (remember this was a year or so ago) and once I began to feel them (probably 30 to 45 minutes later) I decided to try another. Things were great, but not too much changed from my previous experience. The same, smooth bouncing visuals, except with some more up down up down movements. Then I closed my eyes. I was in a completely different world.

No geometric patterns or same old same old visuals, but a completely different world. I was in a tunnel in Alaska (or some place where it was snowy). I then flashed back to the party. This happened periodically throughout the night. I would close my eyes, zone out and quickly zone back in. I dont remember what happened next, but everyone left my house and I was now alone. Thats when I broke through into beautiful insanity.

It started on my stair case to my basement(and pretty much ended there. In fact I dont think I left that spot for about 5 hours). I was staring at this hole in my wall, and all of the sudden it turned into the same snow covered hilside tunnel, I had saw before. I walked all was black and then I reapeared on my steps. My next visual took its form. Two astronauts flew out of the hole in my wall with jet packs and blow torches. They began feverously working on the hole flying around it and fixing it with their blowtorches. It was awesome. The sound of the blowtorches I can still hear this day. The visual dissipated and I was back on the stairs.

I then saw a faucet form on the top of the wall I had been staring it. It began to drip beautiful colors, I had never seen before. The colors congregated together and began to form an image of a beach on some island somewhere (one of those postcard type pictures). It was really beautiful. The colors looked very oily and slick. After that I stared back at the wall. I saw a tadpole bouncing around on the wall, flopping around like a fish out of water. The tadpole, then underwent its evolution. It went from tadpole to from in a series of changes. It was kind of like watching the discovery channel. It was beautiful, and has been later carried out in my trips. I often now will see a frog.

All in all I give the 1's a big thumbs up. Out of everything I have done they have had the most impact on me, and have provided me with an experience that I will never forget.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 47438
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 14, 2010Views: 8,331
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MDA (34) : Various (28), Glowing Experiences (4)

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