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Tried So Hard, to No Avail!
Citation:   clydeslucy. "Tried So Hard, to No Avail!: An Experience with Cannabis (exp47539)". Jun 7, 2018.

  repeated   Cannabis (plant material)
I have been smoking pot hard and heavy for about 7 years now, with the occasional breaks for drug screens for jobs. I moved over 500 miles away for my ' dream job' , a super-easy office position at a MAJOR U.S company. I had been smoking about a half ounce a week up until 3 weeks before the drug screen. The last day I smoked I split 1 joint with 6 people. Then I quit. Totally clean of cannabis for 3 weeks. I loaded up on prescription Lasiks and water, water, water. 1 week before the test, I bought a home kit to test for cannabis, and passed.1 week later I confidently pissed at the drug screen lab. 1 week later, they call me back and tell me I failed!!!!!! So watch out for the home tests, it was obviously innacurate and cost me the best job I could ever hope to get. I'm not swearing off the pot just yet though. I defintely believe in the stuff. I just don't believe in the fascist companies that try to dictate the things I do at home. Im definitely a hard-working, educated woman, not some stoner-slacker doping up at work......

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47539
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 7, 2018Views: 1,339
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Cannabis (1), Drug Testing (59) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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