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Pseudo Speedballs
Oxycodone & Cocaine
by Lala
Citation:   Lala. "Pseudo Speedballs: An Experience with Oxycodone & Cocaine (exp47608)". Apr 4, 2018.

40 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
    repeated insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis  
I had been using cocaine for awhile and had tried oxycontins (crushed and insufflated) in small amounts a couple of times. My friend got ahold of some 80s so we decided to try as much as we thought was safe at a time. We removed the time release coating by dipping the pill in water and rubbing it. Then we crushed and snorted half of it each.

At first I just felt loose and loopy. About fifteen minutes later I realized I was falling in and out of sleep and that though my friend had been talking I had no idea what about. I explained this to him and he suggested we take some cocaine to wake up. After that I felt amazing, similar to ecstacy but not so emotionally intense and with many fewer thoughts. My friend and I lay for about three hours not speaking just laying together, cuddling and stroking. We got up occasionally to have a cigarette or take more cocaine. We also were itching like crazy, but mostly, I think, because scratching was so pleasurable. We spent about four more hours feeling the high and stopped taking coke hoping we could fall asleep before the sun came up. We didn't. The opiates keep me awake. Though I fell in and out of dreamlike state and some closed eye hallucinations, I didn't actually fall asleep for several more hours. After I finally did fall asleep I woke up really really dehydrated and nauseous. I was still itching. I didn't go to class. When I stood up I was really dizzy. I was afraid if I stayed standing I would get sick or faint.

Overall, had I done it on a weekend and had longer to sleep there probably would have been no problems. That said I probably mixed too many substances but the nice thing about the oxy was even feeling sick was kind of enjoyable.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47608
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 4, 2018Views: 3,307
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Oxycodone (176), Cocaine (13) : Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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