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I Don't Feel Anything New Coming On
Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & Virola Spp.)
Citation:   partcleguy. "I Don't Feel Anything New Coming On: An Experience with Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & Virola Spp.) (exp47662)". Feb 19, 2018.

4.5 g oral Syrian Rue (capsule)
    capsls oral Virola spp. (tar / resin)
    smoked Virola spp. (tar / resin)
I ordered both the Syrian Rue and the Virola Resin from a website about a week ago and had been looking forward to trying it out tonight. I ordered Virola resin since I live in a dorm and cannot boil any leaves to make ayahuasca. Instead I put the syrian rue and virola resin in 000 gelcaps.

3:00 PM I ingested the Syrian rue

4:00 PM The syrian rue washes over me in a wave. It surprises me in its intensity and I look forward to a breakthrough experience for the first time.

5:00 PM At this point I'm jamming with my band and the syrian rue has peaked a while ago. I don't feel anything new coming on. I don't believe the DMT is working.

6:00 PM We go down to dinner and I carefully avoid tyrosine rich foods though I chance a little milk. The DMT does not seem to be working at all.

10:00 PM In an effort to rectify whether I had not taken enough DMT I attempted to smoke the resin which was completely inactive. Most likely it is because DMT must be in freebase form before smoking will work.

I don't know whether this resin has a very low level of DMT or whether the method I'm using doesn't work. I am pretty sure its the dosage because with an MAOI, the DMT should work. Since I didn't feel anything at all besides the syrian rue, though, I am doubtful. I plan on trying this again with the rest of my resin.

[Reported Dose: 3.7 g (Virola resin), 4.5 g (Syrian Rue)]

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47662
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 19, 2018Views: 911
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Syrian Rue (45), Huasca Combo (269) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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