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Ups, Downs and All Arounds
Citation:   Space_Cadet. "Ups, Downs and All Arounds: An Experience with 2C-I (exp47711)". May 4, 2018.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00 10 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 10 mg insufflated 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I never thought in my life that I would be able to get my hands on such a rare chemical. Where I live in northen ontario, No one has heard of any reseach chemicals. Its mostly just e,shrooms,k and maybe acid or meth.So when I heard that I could get my hands on a half gram of 2c-I in Toronto, I was more than just excited. After a long 11 hours of driving from there and back, and all around Toronto to get it, I finally made it home. The next day my friend and I decided to take 10mg`s each.

An hour after ingestion we decided it would be wise to up the dose. We first intended to take 20mgs all at once, but since this is a new chemical for me and all my friends we decided it would be best to start at 10mg then pop another 1 hour later to ease the come up. After I took my next does I already stared to feel an ecstasy like high starting.

Now its been 2 hours since I took my first does and I can feel the peak starting. The ecstasy like feeling I had was suddenly replaced by Heavy Body Buzz which kinda felt like speed but with a mix of acid. I was amazed at how a high can change so dramaticaly so fast. The visuals started to kick in at full gear, but didnt seem to be what I was expecting. I thought I should take another 10mgs but was worried about the overwhelming body buzz I had. It wasnt that I was scared my heart would beat to fast, I was more scared at the weird tension I had in my chest. I also had some random heavy coughs and strange mucus. Kinda like when on acid. But after an hour that tension feeling when away. I felt much much more higher then I did before. I think its because I wansnt just concentrating on the tightness of my chest.

I now felt it was time to take that other does. But I didnt want to wait 2 hours for it kick in. So my friends aand I all snoretd 10mgs. Ouch what a burn, like a Psychedelic kick to the face. With in seconds I noticed a much much more intense visuals than I have ever seen before on acid.
Ouch what a burn, like a Psychedelic kick to the face. With in seconds I noticed a much much more intense visuals than I have ever seen before on acid.
I was starting to get scared that I did to much. I started to freak myself out thinking I might get way to high. After about 20mins of scaring myself shitless I decided a good idea would be to take a nice bong hit of some hydro Dope to calm down. Ohh what a relief I felt much much more calm than ever. Seconds after that I started to have the most unique visuals I have ever had. I saw my friends face turn into many different forms of Camafloge. I could hardly tell who it was. Everything in my room started to change colours and shapes. They looked bigger and smaller, they had different shapes and textures. All the wood on my walls begain to flow like a river, which I found was like acid.

After another hour of intense visuals I started to come back down to an ecstasy like high which lasted about 5-6hours. All in all I found it to be nothing like I expected. I had no idea the high would change so many times so fast. Its like candy flip but totally different at the same time. Which I found very cool in its own way. Overall I think that this is a fun chemical, other than the random overly intense chest tightness and body load.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47711
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 4, 2018Views: 714
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2C-I (172) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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