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Smooth, Mellow Relaxation
Lagochilus inebrians
Citation:   dtpqueen. "Smooth, Mellow Relaxation: An Experience with Lagochilus inebrians (exp47733)". Apr 14, 2018.

14 g oral Lagochilus inebrians (tea)
I acquired an ounce of intoxicating mint from the net and was eager to try it. I chose a Saturday evening, when I knew I had nothing in particular to do, for this experiment. From what I understood, the stems and leaves should be prepared as a tea, so that is exactly what I did.

I took the whole ounce and wrapped it up in a few layers of cheesecloth and boiled it in 4 cups of water for approximately 20 minutes. I did not have to strain the tea because everything stayed within the cheesecloth wrapping. About 2 cups of the water boiled off, so I was left with 2 cups of tea. It actually filled two regular-sized tea or coffee cups. The tea was extremely bitter (even after adding a packet of Stevia sweetener) and reminded me of the bitterness of Guiness Ale.

I drank only one cup (it took me a few minutes because of the bitterness) and started to feel the effects almost immediately. At first it felt like an alcohol buzz, but over the next hour it evolved into more of a total overall relaxation (similar to taking muscle relaxants, but without the spacey feeling). I could easily function in this state, and would not describe it as intoxicated...just happily relaxed. Every muscle in my body was relaxed (which was very welcome, since I spend most of my time pretty stressed out). The effects lasted a total of about 2 hours, gradually wearing off (although I hardly noticed, it was that subtle).

Overall, I would say that it was worth trying, but not worth returning to. Perhaps drinking several cups would produce a more profound effect--that is if I could actually stomach that much of it!

There were no adverse effects with this plant. The bitterness was nasty, but not impossible to deal with. The taste didn't linger after I finished drinking it and I did not feel any nausea.

It was a good experience, albeit an expensive one.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47733
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 14, 2018Views: 2,170
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Lagochilus inebrians (345) : Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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