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No Problems Here
Hydrocodone & Cannabis
by Karl
Citation:   Karl. "No Problems Here: An Experience with Hydrocodone & Cannabis (exp47739)". Sep 24, 2020.

  oral Hydrocodone (liquid)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
(Just so you are aware I am under the influence of these two drugs right now.)

Today at five pm I got a call from my girlfriend. We decided to give this bottle of Tussionex I was given a couple of swigs and smoke a little pot.

We were walking to the place we like to smoke and I pulled out the bottle. We both took a sip and were surprised by how tasty the hydrocodone was. I think it might be dangerously sweet because I can easily see a child drinking a whole bottle.

I began to feel a little out of it almost five minutes later. She did too. We continued walking towards the spot.

When we arrived we smoked a joint and enjoyed each other's company (well I enjoyed hers at least). Naturally we were both pretty blazed. We walked around and became very, very calm.

I dropped her off at her house and walked home. About a quarter of the way there I had to stop because I felt so calm and happy. Euphoric.

I walked home with a half-smile on my lips. I think I probably looked pretty dull, blank, or tired but I was euphoric. I got home and ate some cold pizza and drank some chocolate milk. I have a cold but I didn't feel like coughing.

I am not sure if nausea is a factor for most people but I got none. This was probably due to the cannabis but I don't know. It is 7:30 and I feel tired, calm, and happy. Music is beautiful and seems to give a warm feeling. I ate bacon and eggs and I am full.

I should mention that I felt talkative but my voice was almost flat in affect.

This has been a beautiful night.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47739
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 24, 2020Views: 932
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Cannabis (1), Hydrocodone (111) : Combinations (3), Various (28)

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