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by Drew
Citation:   Drew. "Relief: An Experience with Methadone (exp47805)". Aug 24, 2007.

  repeated oral Methadone (pill / tablet)
I noticed that there are no reports on here about Methadone being used for pain relief, only for maintenance or recreational use, so I thought I would give it a shot. First off, a little bit about myself. I have been using opiates and opioids for 2 years non-stop to deal with pain resulting from a kidney condition. I've taken hydrocodone, oxycodone, meperidine, hydromorphone, propoxyphene, codeine, and now finally methadone.

As I was getting off work one day, I felt a tension in my back, which I usually feel right before an episode of severe pain. I headed home and as soon as I walked through the door, an almost electric-like shock of pain ran from by back down to my leg. I grabbed a bottle of recently prescribed 10 mg. methadone tablets, singled out two of them, and swallowed them dry. I laid down on the couch to await the effects. After 20 minutes, I began to feel a sense of warmth and heaviness in my legs. I sat up and got up from the couch, and as I stood up, I felt a rush go from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. I noticed my back didn't hurt at all. Despite having a large tolerance to opiates, the 20 mg of methadone had a profound effect on me. I had the basic opiate 'life is cool' feeling, but also a strong body buzz that reminded me quite a bit of morphine. The feeling remained for the better part of 8 hours, and afterwards I drifted off to sleep.

I noticed no nausea, but opiates have never upset my stomach. Methadone is one of the strongest opiates used as a pain reliever, and with continued use it accumulates in the body, making the effects of a dose exponentially greater. I see quite a bit of potential for misuse with this substance, especially at higher doses. A few days after the date of this experience, I slammed my hand in my car door, and took 40 mg of methadone instead of going to the hospital. I could have sworn I had IM'ed a big wad of heroin. Treat this shit with respect, it is stronger than hell and could catch up with one fairly quickly.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47805
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 24, 2007Views: 34,120
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Methadone (166) : Medical Use (47), General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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