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Place Patch on Skin.....Sure.....
Citation:   Floridian. "Place Patch on Skin.....Sure.....: An Experience with Fentanyl (exp47933)". Mar 17, 2018.

1 oral Pharms - Fentanyl (patch)
Done many opiates, decided to try Fentanyl patch. So my buddy worked with a guy who was/is into junk of all types. He likes his oxy's and said Fentanyl just doesn't do anything for him. 'Ok', I said and handed him a twenty for a couple of patches. He said 'you're supposed to put it on your arm where there isn't any hair.' Now I started to realize why this had no affect on him, so I said 'sure thing' and slappped it right on my tounge.

I had a fairly good tolerence and enough opiate experience to know what I was doing.

Anyway, at first...nothing. After about a half and hour I get that good old faithful buzz that only an opiate can deliver. It gave me kind of like a morphine feel. By that I mean a lot of warmth and some heavy-feeling heart beats but not nearly as irritated and zonked out as morphine makes you. I still like oxy's better, but I sucked and chewed on those patches off and on for a couple of days.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47933
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 17, 2018Views: 4,703
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