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What Could Cause This False Positive?
Fluoxetine, Diphenhydramine & Birth Control
Citation:   Lizzie the S.N.. "What Could Cause This False Positive?: An Experience with Fluoxetine, Diphenhydramine & Birth Control (exp47989)". Erowid.org. Jan 13, 2020. erowid.org/exp/47989

40 mg oral Pharms - Fluoxetine (daily)
  50 mg oral Diphenhydramine  
I am a 22 year old mother of a 22 month old little girl. I am a full time nursing student and I am a part time sales associate at a local Radio Shack.

On November the 7th I was given a 'random' drug test by the school of nursing. On the next day I attended my first clinical. At lunch time I was informed by the instructor to go see the division chair at the Jasper campus, Ms. R*. When I arrived at the nursing building, I was approached by another instructor, Mrs. C* who proceeded to inform me that I had a positive drug test, and asked me if I take any prescription medications. To which I informed her that I take 40 mg of prozac. So I go a copy of the prescription, and by then I was able to talk to Ms. R*. She informed me that I had tested positive for Benzodiazapines. I basically told her that's impossible, so here's the question: How can Prozac, dyphenhydramine (Benedryl which is OTC), and Tri-Levelen (birth control pills) cause a false positive for benzodiazapines????

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47989
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jan 13, 2020Views: 1,553
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Pharms - Fluoxetine (80), Diphenhydramine (109), Drug Testing (59) : Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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