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My Life-Savers
Citation:   Leigh. "My Life-Savers: An Experience with Mirtazapine (exp48096)". May 24, 2006.

  oral Pharms - Mirtazapine (daily)
Remeron is the drug that changed my life. After the 8th grade, my depression became uncontrollable. They gave me just about every anti-depressant on the market, but nothing worked. Finally, in my junior year of high school they put me on 'hospital homebound.' That's when they first gave me Remeron.

I became a zombie for the first month or so. I slept almost all day, every day, waking up only to shower, eat and take my next dose. I was on 45 mg at night at the time. I had always suffered from poor quality of sleep. Remeron gave me long periods of restful sleep that left me in a fog for all the time I was awake.

After I adapted to it some, it got better. I still felt tired a lot, but at least my was clear because I was sleeping at night.

The problems I experienced with Remeron are few. I gained a ton of weight, because I was constantly hungry and never felt full. Like 80 pounds over the course of the first 6 months. After I went off it, the weight dropped back off, and my hunger went back to normal. Since then, I've had to go back on it twice. My depression gets severe when I don't sleep, and sleep aids just don't work for me.

I never experienced any hallucinations or crazy things while on the drug, but I never took it in a recreational manner, either.

Overall, the drug has literally saved my life three times now. When I feel like life isn't worth living, I start back on Remeron and it pulls me through. It's the only drug that has ever worked for my depression.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48096
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 24, 2006Views: 18,287
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Pharms - Mirtazapine (311) : Alone (16), Medical Use (47), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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