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Bare Attention
Nitrous Oxide
by bum
Citation:   bum. "Bare Attention: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp48210)". Jan 22, 2018.

1 hit inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
So a few days ago I inhaled a can of nitrous oxide from a bottle of whip cream. I had a scare. It felt overwhelming, like I had overdosed.. It was too much, but I've had experience with nitrous before so it didn't scare me too bad-- only lasted a minute anyway. Before I did it, I meditated a little bit, concentrating on my breathing, and then I continued to meditate once the nitrous started to hit. Concentrating on my breath just felt like I was out of breath the whole time-- I was trying to hold on, while the trip wasn't having it.

I realized the importance of having to flow with the trip and just know my breathing is fine. The trip began to get bad so I tried to hold on by concentrating on breathing-- I shouldn't do that... I just have to flow with it.

So I bought another can the next day. I wanted to beat it. So I turned the lights off in my room and sat down for a moment to think about what will happen once I inhale this can. I thought about how it is all just an illusion-- a veil that is being distorted... Nothing can hurt me inside there. And then I recalled something I had just read about, a meditation technique called 'bare attention' which is simply taking note of ones feelings and thoughts, like one were someone else, watching them. And so then I was a bit nervous but I inhaled the lungful of nitrous and began my trip.

Starting to come up I felt ok. It wasn't too strong, I was just breathing and sitting. Then it became too strong, like before, overwhelming, but I just took note, I watched myself go into panic mode, and then after 15 seconds, I smiled.

I had broken the veil and this intensity I was once afraid of was now my domain. For a moment I became subject to pride, grinning and swimming through the nitrous oxide atmosphere. I observed my pride, and let go once more. Then I slowly reentered into this world. Here I am now telling you the story :)

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48210
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 22, 2018Views: 1,158
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