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Don't be Brave
Citation:   Thenosjakal. "Don't be Brave: An Experience with DOB (exp48511)". Jan 25, 2007.

T+ 0:00
1.0 mg oral DOB (blotter / tab)
  T+ 14:00 1 repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Getting such a rare entheogen can be pretty exciting, and I was excited about the prospect of experiencing something a lot of people haven't when I got my hands on two hits of DOB.

I decided to do this drug with my friend, the psychonaut parrothead, who is more experienced with hallucinogens than myself. Our friend had done the substance a week before and confirmed that it was indeed DOB, based on the duration of his experience.

We decided, that because the substance would probably take somewhere between 12-18 hours to run it's course, that we would go shopping before to prepare ourselves, and drop early in the morning. Shopping consisted of buying lots of fruit juices, citrus fruit, cigarettes, and some bread for when we needed to eat.

We dropped at 11:30am, and began to hang out as we normally would, not expecting the drug to take hold for another 2-3 hours. Within an hour and a half, we could both feel the body effects of the amphetamine, the energy rush was intense, though it was unusable energy. There was a light feeling in my chest to begin, one that can only be described as pure excitment or 'butterflies in my chest'.

Most of our friends had been warned about what was happening that day, and many agreed to come and check on us. We decided to wander downstairs to a friend's apartment and listen to his vinyl collection. Never has music sounded so real, and never have musicians sounded so vulnerable. I could hear the man behind the image singing songs, the rockstardom was stripped away from the rockstar entirely.

The visual aspect of the drug was at first very consistent. All of my visuals at first involved things smoking, and the room would fill with a dense flowy smoke that would drop down onto me. Later, the visuals became much more intense, and I became more desperate to get out of that perception. Peripheral motion began to take over, as I would see arms growing out of people as I was talking to them, or a calendar on the wall blowing in the wind. When I focused my attentions on those things, they were no longer moving, or were no longer there. My friends faces began to age as I would talk to them, and if my vision went blurry, they would become as figures in a stained glass window moving with such jagged fluidity that I couldn't make sense of them in my head, not pay much attention to what I was doing.

It was around hour 14 that I decided that I needed to smoke some pot and calm down. Needless to say, this didn't happen. Smoking marijuana only pushed the DOB into another realm of visual and auditory hallucinations.

My partner and I felt a tremendous 'us against the world feeling', we would sit in a room, surrounded by friends on other drugs, consulted as 'shamans', and everyone had their full attention on us. We would talk nonsense into their conversations, and then demand that they change their conversations to fit our nonsense, and they would.

When the 20 hour mark reached I decided to go home and go to sleep. I was no longer hallucinating so badly that I couldn't ignore it, though I still hadn't yet slept. The amphetamine was now pushing me past my limit, and I could taste the acrid stuff in my mouth. As I had commitments to fulfill on saturday, I didn't sleep until 36 hours after first dropping the drug, or a period of wakefulness that lasted 40 total hours. the drug lasted for 36 hours. This was a point of desperation.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48511
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 25, 2007Views: 14,281
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DOB (19) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Music Discussion (22), First Times (2)

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