Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
responsibly, treating them with respect and awareness,
working to minimize harms and maximize benefits, and
integrating use into a healthy, enjoyable, and productive life.
Lifetime Depression Breaks!
Citation:   Dirge. "Lifetime Depression Breaks!: An Experience with Hydergine (exp48523)". Mar 12, 2006.

7.0 mg oral Ergoloid mesylates (pill / tablet)
  1200 mg oral Piracetam (pill / tablet)
  1050 mg oral Aniracetam (pill / tablet)
I took an overdose of hydergene accidentally. I had been taking about 3 mg a day and then took 13.5 mg in one day. I took:
4.5 mg hydergine
800 nootropil
750 aniracetem
2 shots of minirin
3 times a day

I felt sick, dizzyness, trouble breathing, stuffed up nose, exhaustaion, insomnia, and more. But! My depression broke for the first time I was thinking logically, and making good decisions. I had a food of memories, and felt optimistic for once. I cut back to:
2.25mg hydergine
400 nootropil
and 350 aniracetem
3 to 4 times a day

I have finally cleaned myself up, took my first shower in two weeks, washed my clothes. The first week I was on it I went on threee dates prior to that I had been moping about my ex for 5 months. I was planning on killing myself this summer. I even drank the champagne I had intended for my last toast.

I love this cocktail of drugs. FOr the first time I feel like a complete person. I think it is mainly the hydergine that is working it is fat soluble if I don't take it with fats I get depressed again. My libido's up and my anhedonia is gone I want pleasure. Thank you Sandoz you saved my life.

23 in FLorida

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48523
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2006Views: 70,622
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Ergoloid mesylates (163), Piracetam (95), Aniracetam (286) : General (1), Health Benefits (32), Depression (15), Unknown Context (20)

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