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Roger Waters Explained Eternity
by Anne
Citation:   Anne. "Roger Waters Explained Eternity: An Experience with LSD (exp48528)". Jul 10, 2019.

1 hit oral LSD
It was eight months ago. I had bought a hit of acid a few days earlier and arranged for two of my friends to help me with this experiment.

I put the blotter of LSD on my tongue and let it dissolve while I waited for my friends to come pick me up. We drove around for a while, and after an hour and a half I began to get worried that it was not real acid, or perhaps I was somehow immune to its effects (hah).

I was completely fine until six o’clock, when I started to feel it coming on. I felt dizzy, disoriented, and confused. Colors were wrong, somehow. Another hour passed and I was very, very deep into my trip. Objects were so disoriented and light was everywhere. Everything seemed to be covered with a beautiful flowery, paisley print. When the car was stopped, I became panicked because I felt s though it was floating away, like a boat. I urged the driver to put the emergency brake on, or we would float down the street and into traffic. I put my seat belt on and held on to the sides of the car. After this fear passed, it was time to go back to my house. My friends and I sat in my room for a while. I was rather dazed and I could feel I was on the brink of a bad trip. Objects in my room were so strange and unfamiliar.

This fear was assuaged when a friend put on Pink Floyd’s “The Wall”. We turned off the lights and lay down on the floor, and I instantly forgot my friends were with me. I was thrown into a world only Roger Waters and I understood. The entire cd is made up of a few songs, some weird sounds, and strange, hysterical voices. I felt that if I turned the cd off, I would die. I was terrified of the strange sounds, but Roger Water’s voice seemed to speak to me. I felt like he was guiding me through my trip.
I felt like he was guiding me through my trip.
It’s like he was saying, “Yes, I know these noises and voices are terrifying, but don’t worry, I would never let anything bad happen to you. Just stick with me, Anne”. When the cd was over and the lights were turned back on, I was shocked to discover my friends were in the room. They gave me warm smiles and hugs, and told me I was doing great. I became to happy, and a single thought kept echoing over and over again in my head: You have to take care of them. I wanted to make sure they were safe and happy, and I made them swear they would wear their seat belts on the way home. I told them that my purpose in life was to take care of them and make sure they were safe and comfortable and happy with their lives.

I fell asleep soon after they left, and when I awoke in the morning, I felt very tired but satisfied. I was happy, and felt enlightened. I went through the rest of the week with a calm peacefulness.

Acid was definitely an interesting experience, one I would definitely repeat. I would never embark on an LSD trip alone, however. If my friends had not been there, I might have had a terrible experience.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48528
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 10, 2019Views: 750
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