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Will it do the Job??
Citation:   Ringen aka g00se. "Will it do the Job??: An Experience with AET (exp48547)". Mar 10, 2008.

T+ 0:00
6 oz oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 0:00 50 mg oral AET (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:35 50 mg oral AET (pill / tablet)
I was sitting at home, drinking som Cognac and playing socialgames, on the net.
I decided to take just half the pill i had, coz of the drinking i've been doing. Swalloved half (50mg) the pill AET, playing psycedelic music wich a love! Been drinking about 6-7 shots(4cl â peice) of 40% Cognac.

10minutes nothing..
15minutes something..
20minutes having thoughts about yesterdays DXM trip...

That DXm did really give me a brainjob, but today (about 20hours later) it's really no hangover from that. Dxm is not something i recommend, it's just too hard(nervotoxic) as it is.

less then 25 min has gone by. Feeling a MDMA effect in my brain, euforia, wanna dance,
not as nice as MDMA, but kinda like Methylone but a better high feeling .

35min, cant keep the rest of happiness waiting, I drop the rest another 50mg....

I'm sitting with my computer, listening, changing tunes, digging with my legs and body.. no sound hallusinogenic yet, just an ok feeling on/in top of my head.

60 minutes.. feeling fine soft, wanna chat with others, (chatting). No enhanching just enyoing it.. I'ts a gentle feeling trouhg my system that passes, no max just middle all over... great party drug(with alc) if u ask me.. not to much and none the less..

Now 1hour n 45mins it's no bettre than when 45mins had gone by. Kinda soft .. but not much.. a filling feeling all over.

3 hours.. feeling fine.. a bit wasted, a slow comedown...
Feeling is like a fever, warmth.. feeling sleepy.. no pain , just tired n used..

Well it's surely working and it's pretty nice, if compared to E and Methylone, not at all the comedown of E and methylone, but then again not as nice. Sure i'll give it:
For mental use a 6/10, for party use also a 6/10.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48547
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 10, 2008Views: 14,955
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AET (299) : General (1), Alone (16)

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