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Stiffened Lungs
by CS
Citation:   CS. "Stiffened Lungs: An Experience with Cannabis (exp48728)". Dec 13, 2005.

  smoked Cannabis
It started about nine months ago when I came across a strain of marijuana called 'Bubble Gum.' It was from a new dealer so I decided to give it a try. Looking at it I could tell it was some good, high quality dro absolutely covered in crystals/powder. So me and a couple buddies rolled one up and began smoking the joint. The taste was slightly off but nothing to worry about and the weed was definetely a bit harsher than the stuff we had been getting causing us to cough a LOT and cough up little chunks of phlegm. However, we did get blazed.

The next morning when I woke up I could tell something was really wrong. My whole chest felt like a brick of compressed regs and my wind pipe felt like I was going to have an asthma attack. And I had this cough where I would keep coughing up chunks and chunks of mucus. I talked to two of my friends and they were the same way. B, one of my good friends, was contemplating whether to goto the doctor to get it checked out because he could hardly breathe. However, we did not suspect it was the weed since we had been smoking almost everyday. We took a few ephedra tablets and resumed our day.

We rolled up a joint in the evening despite the previous experience and proceeded to smoke it. Immediately the same symptoms such as severe coughing and coughing up a lot of mucus began. We finished the joint and smoked the rest of the bag in bowls and a skinny joint. The next day was even worse. B went to the doctor where the doctor gave him a bunch of S*** about smoking weed and me and my other friend were out of action for almost a month. I can tell my lungs have gotten stiffer and smaller due to a spirometry test I had done a couple months ago which showed they had shrunk and I have received a diagnosis of Restrictive Lung Disease due to light scarring across my lung tissue. I am 21 years old.

This experience so impacted me that I did some research and came to the conclusion that his might have happened before. I found a case of where thirteen marijuana smokers ages 15 to 40 died after smoking marijuana:
RR Morris : 'Human pulmonary histopathological changes from marijuana smoking.'

To this day I have restrictive lung disease that may get worse, B has asthma, and my other friend has constant excess mucous production and wheezing which was not there before.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48728
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 13, 2005Views: 15,757
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Cannabis (1) : Not Applicable (38), Health Problems (27)

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