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Dancing with the Flower of Power
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue)
Citation:   BruHaaHaaProphet. "Dancing with the Flower of Power: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) (exp48852)". Mar 19, 2007.

9.0 g oral Morning Glory (tea)
I live in a small house out in rural East Texas with my wife and partner in psychonautic adventures. Due to some activity in our immediate area involving 'The Man', we decided to rid our house of any contraband, including sadly enough, our plant teachers p. cubensis (growing setup).

I had recently (in the last 6 months or so) been putting intent out into the universe, searching for a plant teacher that I could resonate with. After trying Ayahuasca and Amanitas (no bad trips, but there wasn't a harmony there) I purchased some Morning Glory Seeds.

A week ago (12-9-05) I received my package (4 oz. organic!) and set aside my dose amount, approx 9 grams, in my special jar. My wife selected a seed and buried it deep within the root of one of my dreadlocks, allowing us (the Teacher and me) to get some time to know each other.

I have something which some might call OCD, which at my best I'd call Shamanic Ritualism, and at worst I'd call psychosomatic: I must have ritual with any entheogen I am taking. I cannot just 'do drugs', or 'just get fucked up and have a good time'. To me, when I am using an entheogen just for a fun time, I feel like I've misused a sacred entity's power, and wasted so much of the 'really' good stuff.

So up to yesterday (12-16-05): I finished out a most excellent of Fridays at my job, had a friend drive me home (my van is in the shop) and set about to preparations. I had also fasted the day, so my stomach was relatively empty.

First: Clean my living space. If I have a cluttered environment when I'm tripping, I feel 'like a druggie', and not at all in touch with the divine. Second: Consecration of the dose. I took about 20 minutes with the special jar, on the altar I've made, with candles, insence, and lava lamp, just meditating. I droned a mantra, and simply connected with the seeds on an energy level.

Third: Preperation for injestion. I boiled some water and made about 1/3 glass of spiced chai tea, which I then put in the freezer to cool down. I then ground my seeds to a crunchy flour in my coffee grinder and waited for the tea to cool further. During this stage I had a playlist on my computer going, which I had mixed previously of ethnic chants, and some trance.

7:00pm. Injestion. I put some sugar in my tea, emptied the seed flour into the tea, mixed and sat down on my bed and drank/ate. The flavor is quite bearable, not nearly as bad as amanita teas I've made, and was very easily injested. I had a large empty cat litter bucket in case I needed to vomit (TidyCats for multiple cats is the best puke bucket. It's huge and tall, so there's no splashing).

7:20pm. Some mild stomach pain with occasional waves of almost intense stomach pain lasting about 10 seconds each. No real nausea, just stomach pain which seemed to be aggravated by my belt and by loud sounds. I turned down my music a bit. Changing into flannel pants with no elastic in the waste helped greatly. This lasted about 40 minutes until a good lifelong friend of mine came over. We had agreed for him to come over to be company.

8:20pm. Another 5 minute wave of stomach pain, not nearly as intense as before, and after that, the stomach pain left. Only psychedelic effects are some minor 'head space'. I also noticed my mind wandering to dreams I'd had in the past few weeks, and had mostly forgotten.

8:40-9:00pm. Head space has opened up completely. Am contemplating elements of reality. Definately feeling 'in touch' with the Teacher, which is always a sign that the experience will be productive. It was this element that was missing when I attempted the Ayahuasca and Amanitas: there wasn't a connection. This sense of resonance with the seeds was one of the most welcome feelings, and I felt like I had just made a dear friend.

9:20pm. Reached the psychedelic threshold. Very vivid visuals, whether closed or open eyed. Great body high, I love the physical feeling of the experience. Talked non-stop to my friend for almost 45 minutes, then laid down on my bed to go to inner-space.

10:00pm. Was roused from my state by an extremely intense urge to urinate. Went to the bathroom and relieved myself. During the walk I noticed a bit of a pain in my upper thighs. It felt like it does when you stretch too far. Not too severe.

Around 10:30 I got the munchies. It took about a half hour but with help from my friend I finally got 2 veggie patties heated and then ate. No stomach discomfort, but some intestinal rumbling.

It was about 12:30am before I started to feel any kind of come-down, which was extremely slow and gradual, much like the gentle come-down of p. cubensis. My friend parted, and I went to sleep around 1:45am mostly down, though the wood grain in my door was still doing some crazy dancing.

The feel of the seeds is similar to mushrooms, but whereas I get a very grounded, earthy feeling with mushrooms, the feeling of Morning Glory is more of the tops of a tree, looking at the sky, and upwards. I also didn't get the loathing of technology that I usually do when I'm on mushrooms.

All in all, very enjoyable, very intense, and I feel like I've found a good friend and a resonant teacher (or did it find me?)

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48852
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 19, 2007Views: 12,824
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Morning Glory (38) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Personal Preparation (45), Mystical Experiences (9), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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