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In the Room
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Benthon. "In the Room: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp49112)". Nov 28, 2006.

  repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
I worked at a hospital in the maintenance department, giving me access to the bank of 'H' cylinders of nitrous. I discovered that I could pipe up a hose connection to the output side of these tanks, thereby enhancing my normally boring 3rd shift experience. I knew enough about nitrous to know that I also needed to take in enough oxygen to avoid suffocation. I did this by using a small enough hose at a slow enough flow. It was hand held in such a way as to fall away were I to have too much.

My first attempts led to simply passing out, and I thought that this was all there was to this. I discovered through experimentation that if I kept the flow both low enough and consistent, then I could go on wondrous trips with it. It became my nightly activity for approximately a year. During this time, the hospital switched from a bank of 'H' cylinders to liquid Nitrous. These cylinders last much longer than a bank of the 'H' cylinders, and they were having to reorder the H's all too soon.

I went to work on the liquid tanks. I only got scared one time...when I had been doing it all night, and took one of these big tanks from full, down to a quarter full. This left an ice ring around the base of the tank, with a water trail leading away from it to a drain. This, in an area where there is generally a lot of foot traffic. I quickly got out a hose and washed away both the ice ring as well as the telltale trail from the tank.

Done right, I can reach a point of nirvana with nitrous, past even what I've experienced on LSD. I confess...I also masturbated while in the little room where I had my hookup, and it was beyond belief.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 49112
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 28, 2006Views: 8,122
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