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Fun, but Addictive
by Jack
Citation:   Jack. "Fun, but Addictive: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp49294)". Jul 31, 2018.

  repeated   Oxycodone
I had nose surgery and was prescribed Oxycodone w/ APAP (I'm not sure what APAP is, I think acetaminophen). I've been taking one or two pills a day of these 5 mg wonders for about two weeks, and I love them. I'm about to run out, and I don't plan to pay street prices for them, although I may. If I could get these all the time I would probably get very addicted to them. They produce the greatest euphoria, the perfect mix of fun and being able to still control myself. I don't have an addictive personality, but this is one drug I truly love and I could really get into.

Seperate from Oxycodone I drink alcohol sometimes and occasionally smoke pot. I smoked pot one night while on OXY (a lot of pot for me), and I didn't get high off it at all, strange since it was dro, and my pot tolerance is quite low. These people talking about 40 mg of non-time release OXY scare me, as everyone I gave pills to felt the high off one 5 mg pill (people with much higher tolerances to other drugs than I do). Even me with my non-addictive personality, I crave this stuff, and love it like I've never loved a drug in my life. I wish I could do them every day, and I dont see how 5-10, even 15 mg a day could be any serious problem, or worse than alcohol abuse. Unfortunately there's not a lot of information on the web as to what the specific dangers of the drug are. I feel a strange feeling in my liver right now, but it's probably just my paranoia, haha, b/c I dont think I've taken enough to have any danger. I have only four pills left so I'll be out soon. That will be a sad day for me. (well not that day, but the next day)

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49294
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 31, 2018Views: 1,252
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Oxycodone (176) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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