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The Best There Is
Methaqualone (Semed)
Citation:   bones. "The Best There Is: An Experience with Methaqualone (Semed) (exp49478)". Nov 6, 2007.

  oral Methaqualone (pill / tablet)
I have been taking beans for 32 years. Twice a week. They are great for dancing, no inhibitions. I can go to nude beaches and get naked when the ludes hit, otherwise I'm shy. Ludes have emancipated me for fun. I very rarely overdo it. I am healthy and exercise to balance life out. Meeting women is easy with ludes, total confidence. Once again doing the right amount is key. Too much I scare the women away. My life has been helped greatly from ludes. Semeds, made in switzerland, are tough to come by after 9-11. I was paying 25 a pop. I'm old school ludeman over 50. Did the original rorer 714. Best ever with the parest 400.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49478
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 6, 2007Views: 13,817
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Methaqualone (218) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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