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Happy and Carefree
Citation:   Cheeks. "Happy and Carefree: An Experience with Clonazepam (exp49547)". Feb 8, 2019.

1 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
Euphoric Experience on Klonopins

Just to start off, I am not prescribed to klonopins. I wanted something to loosen up and relax me after a hard day. I took the klonopins at about 11:15pm tonite. It is now 12:30 am and I am sitting at my computer because I want others to know how the drug makes me feel.

I have had experiences with klonopins before, but mixed with alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana. This time I decided to take the drug on its own, to feel the full effect of what it could do. I started feeling the drug come on at about 11:45pm. I was on my couch with a friend who had also taken the drug. We both stood up and had realized that we were feeling the come on. When I walked around, I felt every step being heavy. Every movement was slower than they usually are...lifting an arm..turning my head around.. But the best part I think is how happy and carefree I feel right now.

I have done many drugs...many ways..and this is something I think I could definatly get into really fast. I just feel l ike I could do anything. I'm not scared of anything, and in a really good mood. Although, eveytime I feel like I have something profound to write, I forget instantly. Maybe its all the years of other drug abuse, but who cares. I feel like I probly can't do too much right walk around alot or perform physical tasks, like vacuuming and hard lifting..but I have a smile on my face and I don't know why. I'm happy, and there is not a bad thought going through my brain. I am enjoying the euphoria and comfort it brings me. I am usually the shy type, but I could go a have a full conversation with a stranger...if I could walk. I feel like I can't remember anything that happened one minute ago. I feel sluggish and I just want to sit and relax.

I am thinking that klonopins could be a drug that I could easily become addicted to. It seems to have the effect that many people would enjoy, which is scary if you are an addict. Klonopins can cause physical I read. Thank you for wanting to hear my experience.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 49547
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 8, 2019Views: 1,874
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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