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The Withdrawal Process
Citation:   realized overuse. "The Withdrawal Process: An Experience with GHB & GBL (exp4959)". Dec 28, 2001.

1 cap oral GBL (liquid)
I began using GHB 3 and a half years ago. Like many people who abuse the substance, I passed out in public on numerous occasions and went to the hospital unwillingly a couple times. I realized the point I was getting to after a friend had a bad car accident while driving. I was taking it for a period every night for sleep and at least once during the day. I controlled it for a while but in the past 7 months I have used heavy doses, 2-5 times per day and at least twice at night for sleeping. And this is a fact... GHB can and will cause gynocomastia in individuals that are sensitive to estrogens namely prolactin. I have been attempting the approach of stopping all together and it never works.

Today, I am starting a 2-3 week process of diminishing use to a weekly basis at most. I am limiting the first 3 days to 1 cap of this product which would be equal to 3/4 of 50 water 50 pure g or about 3/4s of an ounce of renewtrient or like products. Days 4-10 -- a half a cap of furanone (used conversions above). After that, depending how I feel, I will either cut it off at day ten or shrink the dosage. I have many friends in my boat and I know there are others out there. If you are not to the point where you must stop and you are becoming a chronic user, you could get there unless you adhere to a strict regimen. For sleeping purposes, I buy a combination of melatonin and a valarian complex. Also, before bed a phosphitylserine complex really helps my groggy mornings when I can’t think too straight. One vault here, pushed me to the point of doing an extreme cutback, hopefully someone that realizes it is taking over can do the same.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4959
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 28, 2001Views: 24,217
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GBL (89), GHB (25) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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