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Alcohol Inhibition
Citation:   Sophie. "Alcohol Inhibition: An Experience with Kratom (exp49595)". Mar 2, 2006.

10 g oral Kratom (tea)
This is my third time trying Kratom and my first time with a really great result. The first time, I bought Super Kratom powder and made a tea, following the usual recipe. Maybe it was because weaning myself off of Percocets and I still had the drug in my system. Maybe the Kratom just wasn't powerful enough.

The second time, I purchased one ounce of Kratom leaves. I proceeded to make a tea again, this time trying to boil the leaves longer. I used about half an ounce of leaves, but still, nothing. Now, I'm sitting here in pure bliss. The warmth consumes me and I recognize the familiar floating that opiates give you. This time, I made the tea the usual way, but with less water. The total time that I boiled the leaves was about one hour.

From my experience I have gathered a few facts that I believe were the reason for my first two unsuccessful encounters with Kratom. One, I believe alcohol inhibits the Kratom. I made sure NOT to drink this time. Also, I think consuming the tea on an empty stomach may help. Maybe its just me and my body chemistry, but I'm glad I finally got a result.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49595
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 2, 2006Views: 12,340
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