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Very Bizarre
by Kay
Citation:   Kay. "Very Bizarre: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp49684)". Sep 14, 2018.

10 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
I had gotten the 10 mg from a friend who I had been talking to about wanting to try Ambien, after hearing of interesting effects. I turned the lights down, cleaned my room up a bit, and took one 10 mg pill, about the size of a half of a tic tac. I stayed online for a little while, just browsing around the internet and talking on AIM when I started to feel the effects (about 10-15 minutes after taking it.) Motor skills were impaired greatly and I felt a bit dizzy -- much like how one feels after a few beers. The effects so far were what I had expected. I was going to kick back, maybe read a book, and browse the internet while enjoying the state I was in.

This was around when things started to become very bizarre. Voices that I had heard from earlier in the day, the day before began to become evident. I heard my orienteering coach say something, and I kept feeling like a couple of my friends were there who were present the night before. The desk began to shift and move into the wall and corner of my room as it and everything else were in a big lava lamp, and the keyboard at one time had the characteristics of a bumpy rock covered in moss and lichens. The state, overall, was very dream-like, which I find somewhat appropriate seeing as Ambien is a sleep medication. I had, however, no desire to sleep, and so simply stayed on the computer.

Things got yet weirder. Along with a nauseous feeling, I began to experience vivid hallucinations (not that my shifting desk was not vivid) All the windows on my computer screen were minimized to show my desktop; which is a picture of a muscular man with George Bush's head pasted on, with a background of an ocean and a city in the distance. The man's arm seemed to protrude from the screen and a few people that seemed to be coming from my desk had asked me to go surfing. It's hard to remember most of what I was thinking at the time, however, and whether or not I believed that the hallucinations were real. I know that I thought the people were real, until I would look around for them and realize I was alone. The arm protruding from the screen I believe I deemed as a mere hallucination.

The nauseous feeling becoming more profound, I decided to rest in my bed. The rest of the night is largely uneventful, as I fell asleep after this.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49684
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 14, 2018Views: 1,316
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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