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Inspiring and Nourishing
2006 LSD Symposium, Basel
Citation:   roger. "Inspiring and Nourishing: An Experience with 2006 LSD Symposium, Basel (exp49720)". Jan 24, 2006.

I just want to say what a really great conference it was. I found it truly inspiring and nourishing---felt like Woodstock again, but instead of bands there were presentations--same vibe but with a wizened maturity.Plenty of fascinating sessions and I particularly enjoyed Robert Forte's gathering on Leary with Joanna(?) Leary and Nick Sand, the former underground chemist.

There was a lot of heart, warmth and sincerity in the session, connecting to the essence of the 60s psychedelic revolution (without which the conference wouldn't have happened).

It was also great to hear other veterans like Metzner (who turns out to be a vaudeville performer too---God bless him and his Bardo blues!) keeping the flame alight.
Thanks a million to the organisers and let's have another one next year on psychedelics in general.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 49720
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 24, 2006Views: 7,122
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